Monday, July 7, 2008

Why Are YOU here??

When it all shakes out in the end, this is a question to which I hope we will receive an answer!
Why are we all here????

Until that appointed time it is necessary for us to attempt to gauge exactly why we are here during this exact time in history!

In order to do this, we have to start with one belief -- "We are all here for a Reason" (anarchists and atheists feel free to switch blogs - lol...)!!

I find it very hard to believe that any of us truly believe that there are some people placed here on this earth to lead, drive, subjugate, and live better than the others - while other are presumably placed here to be subjugated, serve others, follow, and drift aimlessly day in and day out!

You can be either! But you are not pre-destined to be one or the other!!

We need to face the fact that we may never fully understand our reason for being here or what our role is while we exist here - HOWEVER, that CANNOT preclude us from pursuing the life and the relationships, lifestyle, and purpose we CHOOSE!!!

Yes - We control our own destiny! We have the POWER to enact CHANGE in our lives - Beginning NOW!!

No one is going to hand you "change" -- We have to take it ourselves!! We need to CREATE our own positive change in our lives and we HAVE TO BELIEVE that we can do it!

Which group do you want to be in --- the one that follows, sits back, lamenting their own situation?

Or do you prefer the power of personal STRENGTH to lead others to positive change by example, to TAKE CONTROL of your life, to dictate your path and to experience the Beauty of living your life the way you wish to live it?

It takes STRENGTH of spirit, and resolve, and persistence - but if you are ready to change your life - it is there for you to do!

Take the STEP!! Choose where you want to be - and MAKE IT HAPPEN ONE ACTION at a time!

I BELIEVE IN YOU and I am 100% CERTAIN you have the strength, drive and ability to Take That First Step!

The NEW YOU is waiting --- what do you have to lose?

God Bless and Stay Strong!!

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