Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Put the Paper Down!! Papers are for "Gluttons for Punishment"!

Want to de-stress and gain more calm in your life???


Unless your job requires that you be up on the latest breaking news, JUST STOP reading the papers and watching the news!!!

Sounds Radical - I know - however, it is the KEY to leading a more POSITIVE, STRESS-FREE and CALM life!!

Think about it -- We preach about "Thought-Compounding" a lot on this site (for more on this concept go to ) and this concept not only applies to "Positive" Thought Compounding - but "Negative" Thought Compounding as well!

The media's sole purpose is to create revenues for their individual entities - and we all know what sells newspapers, magazines, anything on the E*Channel, etc! (Sex, violence, and celebrity train-wrecks to start).

But even beyond that - regular, legitimate news organizations are not going to stay in business very long by highlighting the GOOD things going on in the world! That is NOT their business and "Boy Scouts helping little old ladies cross the street" type stories will just not cut it in their world!

So what does that mean to all of us? Well, it means we are constantly subjecting ourselves to 24 x7 x 365 of BAD NEWS, DOOM and GLOOM, and items designed to frighten, conflict, titilate and shock us!!!

Do you think this might have a slight impact on our attitudes, our outlooks, our moods, our HOPES, our Actions??? Damn Straight they will - and it ain't for the best either!!

Negative thoughts are reinforced by other negative thoughts (there is a lot of truth to "Misery loves Company) and these thoughts in turn ATTRACT other Negative thoughts - which cascade and COMPOUND until we are like Deer stuck in Head Lights -- paralyzed by this cavalcade of NEGATIVITY and FEAR!!!

Break that cycle! Identify these Negative Compounders at the outset - call them out!!! And replace them with POSITIVE mantras - thoughts - hopes of the future - VISUALIZE instead the earnest and successful person you WISH to be - NOT the person hunkered down in a fox-hole being shelled repeatedly by Negative, "I CAN'T DO IT" bombs and shrapnel!!

Start with SHUTTING OUT the FEEDERS of this Negative Compounding! Try it for a week - NO newspapers, no news stories, no E*Channel shows - for 1 week!

I GUARANTEE you will feel better by just filtering the bombardment of negativity to your extremely sensitive "Receptors" - i.e., your MIND!!!

Think about it - kind of makes sense!
Stay Strong and PUT.. That...Paper.... Down!!!!

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