Monday, July 14, 2008

Public Enemy Number 1 - "Limiting Beliefs"

There is a killer on the loose and it is running amok through all of our lives!

It is killing our futures, our ambitions, our opportunities, our self-esteem and our Strength!

This killer is called "limiting beliefs" and we all are under attack by this menace!

Limiting Beliefs have been part of our psyche and makeup since before we can even remember! They formed their strength in our minds and our hearts well before we could do anything about them! This is what makes them SEEM so strong and insurmountable!

They dug themselves in like Alabama Ticks and before we even knew what was happening or could defend this precious turf- they had taken over the ship and were in charge of our thoughts and our all-important "Self-Belief"!

They are like "moles" (not dirt diggers but double-agents) whose sole purpose - for whatever reason - is to sabotage and destroy our POSITIVE THOUGHTS and SELF-CONFIDENCE! (for a good explanation of "why" these limiting beliefs do what they do, you must read "A Course in Miracles - )

The "why" is not important just now -- what matters is that we IDENTIFY these killers, recognize their perceived "power" over our lives, and ROOT them out of our minds FOREVER!

The Bad news? These Limiting Beliefs have taken a stronghold on our sacred ground and they will not be easily uprooted given their time spent influencing our thoughts and minds!

The GREAT News! They are not as tough as they want us to Believe and can be rooted and eradicated COMPLETELY with a little discipline and understanding on our part!

Whenever you hear "yourself" saying the following terms, KNOW that they are not YOUR thoughts but those of these killers:

"I won't get that job -I don't have the skills or background"

"I can't do that! I am not (INSERT Quality) enough!!!"

"It sounds great but it will fall apart on me."

"I am just not meant to be (INSERT Adjective) !"

"That good stuff only happens to other people - not me!"

When you hear yourself uttering these types of "Limiting Beliefs" in your mind - IMMEDIATELY RECOGNIZE the Killers in our Midst!!!

STOP that thought pattern IMMEDIATELY and SAY ALOUD - "STOP"!!!

With this realization you are Shining a Spotlight on this insidious beast that is holding you back!

And guess what - This seemingly Powerful and Omniscient Killer will SHRINK at the first "Stop" you shout!

Do not stop there however - you have now called these "Limiting Beliefs" out and it is time to stomp them to oblivion!

REPLACE the killer thought with something like:

"Why not me? I am VALUABLE, UNIQUE and QUALIFIED!"
"I have been wrong about myself all this time- listening to this KILLER -- NO MORE!!"
"It does not matter what has occurred to me in the past - My time is NOW!"
"I am destined to do great things with my life!"
"God has a plan for me and it will all work out!"

Keep adding these POSITIVE reinforcements to your Responses and pretty soon these Killer thoughts will have retreated and be on the Run - NEVER to return with the same perceived force they have in your perception right now!

They MUST BE STOPPED and you have to POWER and Strength to Make that Happen!

Go ahead and take them on!

I Believe in You!!

Stay Strong!!

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