Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Conquer FEAR!!! Go on the "Offensive"

So many people these days are trying to cope with one of our greatest immobilizers - FEAR!

Fear of anything will cause paralysis at best and constant fear and worry will put anyone into the depths of despair quicker than you can say "Boston Red Sox -World Champions" (sorry about that..)

So how do we conquer our fears? How do we break this Prison we live in day in and day out?

There are a couple of steps to take in order to conquer this fear and they are as follows:

1. Take Back your Mind!

The first step to conquering fear is taking back control of your thoughts and your mind! This is where fear lurks and does it's dirty work! When faced with a fearful thought you must IMMEDIATELY shine the light on it and expose it as the fraud that it is!

Take a step back and put things in perspective - say things to yourself such as "It is not the end of the world", "This may not even happen", "I have to look past this" and "I REFUSE to be afraid of this". Recognize the fear as impotent and simply a thought you are allowing into your mind that should not be there! BANISH IT!!

2. Go on the Offensive!

I find that when I am overcome with a thought of fear or worry about something, I can easily turn that thought around by going on the offensive! By that I mean instead of capitulating to the normal fear process - which is to become frightened, panic, stress, and become paralyzed - I get angry at the thought internally - I take offense to the very notion that this fear is trying to paralyze me and I go AFTER IT!

The Hunter becomes the "Hunted" and I resolve to not lose this battle of wills with my FEAR! I welcome the thought and challenge it - and it ALWAYS -- ALWAYS - dissipates in the face of internal strength and power!

Like a Bully, whose sole hope to push around it's victim is for them to not challenge it, fear's only shot at paralyzing you is that you do not fight back! It is counting on you to cave in to the fearlful thoughts immediately, to panic, to shake and lament - and at that point it goes into "Compounding" --it piles on you and tries to break you with more and more negative thoughts, fears, and worries!

Well I have news for you - FEAR CANNOT Break you - in fact it CANNOT EVEN TOUCH you if you recognize it coming and call it out for what it is - a POWERLESS BULLY who, with a quick theoretical shot to the nose, will vanish as quickly as it came!

Go on the OFFENSIVE when you have a fearful thought!! Stand up and Bloody the Bully's nose and you will not hear from it again!

It is quite a feeling to go from weakness to Strength and to see fear slither back from whence it came!

You can do it -- and remove those chains and bars that "seem" to imprison you today!

Try it!!! You will change your life!

Stay Strong!

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