Saturday, July 5, 2008

No More Delays!

Happy 4th of July weekend everyone!

Just like the band of our Founding Fathers got together and decided to cut all ties with their Mother Country and risk their lives for Freedom, so do we all have a decision to make! Today!

Perhaps not nearly as dramatic a decision as the Signers of the Constitution had made, but a life altering decision nonetheless!

Decide if you want to change your life to be more positive!

The beauty of "change" is that is can occur at the drop of a hat - it can start right this very instant! All you need to do is DECIDE and then take that first step!

Decide you want to be in better shape!! Well - Right this second put on some sneakers and open the door and go for a walk or a jog! RIGHT NOW!!


Want to quit an addiction? DECIDE to STOP right this second and begin the fight to better yourself!

Want to have a better Career?? DECIDE to make a change and open up the computer and start amending/writing the resume!

EVERYTHING we want is there for the taking in this wonderful world of ours - if we simply DECIDE to make a change and the TAKE JUST ONE STEP!!

Do you want it enough to take one Baby Step??

Stay Strong!!!

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