Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"What are the Rules"??

Let's play a game!

What if I told you we were going to play a game whose length of play is variable and unknown. We will play this game together, but we can team up or go it alone or do a little bit of both. There are many different interpretations of how best to play this game, but everyone plays the game differently and at their own pace!

Here is the only catch --- I can only let you know the Rules of this Game AFTER the game is completed!

Have you ever played a Game like this before?

You have and it is called 'LIFE"!

Think about how crazy life is --- We all set out on the same path with a destination ahead and we are given multiple possible ways/rules to utilize in this "Game" of life - but no one knows for sure if they are playing the game properly, correctly, in line with the way it was intended, etc!

We have many guides, parents, mentors, teachers - ALL of them with their own ideas of how the game ought to be played - but the TRUTH of the matter is that none of these people really UNDERSTAND the Rules and even more importantly - do not know the OBJECTIVE of the Game!

So what occurs?

People adopt their own rules and objectives! Everyone identifying the way they want to play and hitting the field running!

So what path we choose - what Rules we choose - and what we interpret as the Objective of this Game is completely up to us to divine and pursue!

Remember - -we will not get the true Rules of this game until we are finished - so my tip to all of us is that no matter what path or set of rules we pursue -- make sure they include 'Kindness"!

I hate to have to quote Jewel but she nailed it -- "In the end, Only KINDNESS matters" -

So Play the Game you want to play -play it with the best of your abilities - but do not forget how the RULES you choose to play by AFFECT the other people in your lives!

"In the end.. Only Kindness matters!"

And I have Faith that when the Rules are finally discovered - Kindness to your fellow "players" - i.e., our neighbors, family, and friends - will play a MAJOR role in how we are viewed as having played this game of Life!

Stay Strong!!

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