Thursday, June 12, 2008

To Err is Human.....

Try to imagine how different your life would be if you weren't so hard on yourself about the mistakes, missteps, and errors that inevitably occur as we go through this journey of joy.

We all must accept that we are going to goof, mess up, offend someone, forget something important, not do or say the proper thing at the proper time - or just act like a jack-arse at some point in our lives.

The reality of it is that we often make mistakes more as a rule than an exception.

Guess what - -IT IS OK!

So much valuable time, pain, suffering and analysis is WASTED on the constant dwelling on our errors!

Something that may have taken 5 seconds or less to occur ends up costing us much more in that we will spend hours, sometimes days or weeks or months or God forbid - YEARS -mulling it over in our heads, replaying it in our minds and once again RE-LIVING and FEELING that remorse that lasted 5 seconds!

Do you see how CRAZY that is??

If you mess-up -- MOVE ON and learn from the mistake!

It is that Simple!!

Do not re-hash it over and over - do not give it any more thought -- simply tell your mind to forget it and move on!

If you harmed others as a result, you can make amends as necessary but do not let the act fester and eat away at you.

Forgiveness is not only for others that have hurt you in some way - it is also for YOURSELF!

Forgive yourself immediately for any errors you make and MOVE on!

Remember - it was not your first mistake/error and it certainly will not be your last - so make this part of your DAILY DISCIPLINE -- Forgive!!

Before your head hits that pillow at night -- Tell yourself:

"Today was a great day in many ways. I made some mistakes and I did some good things. I forgive myself for my errors and will try to do better tomorrow. But those errors are in the past and there they shall remain. Tomorrow is a fresh start"

Life can be hard enough without beating yourself up over simply being a human being!

Stay Strong and Keep Smiling -- Life is GOOD if you simply recognize how good you have it!

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