Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lights!! Camera!! ACTION!

“Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.”

- Wayne Dyer

Granted, it is very easy to say that happiness and joy are within our reaches and easily obtainable. However, statements such as these beg the question - "HOW do I get there?" and "WHAT do I do to obtain it?"

These are critical questions and without understanding HOW to get where you want to go or not knowing WHAT you must do to get there - we are simply sitting and waiting for it to occur!

And how often does something come to you that you sit and wait on? Not very often in my experience.

Tip #1

Think of your most favorite actor or actress - someone you simply love to watch and admire their acting talents on the Big Screen or on TV or Broadway!

Now the fun part - put yourself in their position!! What do I mean by that? I mean take on their specialty as you are going to be an actor/actress (is it still necessary to say "actress"?) for a few hours!

Never acted before? Maybe on Broadway you haven't but all of us have "acted" in some way during our lives! All of us have acted "interested" during a difficult discussion, "acted" surprised when in fact we knew what was coming, etc!

So you have more experience than you give yourself credit!

Well -- Today's role is EASY! You are going to ACT HAPPY!

Yes - that is the "direction" from the Director -- "ACT HAPPY as if you are CAREFREE and Filled with JOY!

Sounds silly, I know that -- but guess what, it will get you into the proper mindset and attitude and before you know it - YOU WILL START to FEEL HAPPY!

It is the Power of the mind! But YOU must give your mind the proper "direction" to win that Oscar!

Be detailed in your preparation -- tell yourself over and over that for this critical "role" - that you are playing yourself but you are HAPPY with all aspects of your life - you are joyous, you are wealthy, you are beautiful, skinny, fit, attractive, intelligent, in love, carefree, enthusiastic, HOPEFUL, etc!!

Try it --- you don't have to tell anyone about it - Just Do It (to steal the Nike motto)!!

I GUARANTEE that if you approach your day this way this morning and each morning- layout the role and the person you want to portray for this "movie" (your day) -- you will find yourself caught up in the acting and before you know it you will feel the effect!!


You can also see therefore the flip side is also true! If your character is depressed, morose, worried, fearful - you will feel that way in your role!

Which character are you going to choose in this "play" called our lives? Which one is more appealing to you? More fun to play?

So - get into character -- the curtain is going up -- Dive in NOW!!

All you have to lose is your FEAR!


Stay Strong!

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