~Francesca Reigler
~Ancient Persian Saying
What a spectacular day in NYC - High 60's, sunny, mild and a phenomenal day to get out and exercise, walk, run, and enjoy this weather! Being a Friday does not hurt the mood either!
Walking in midtown this morning, it was impossible to not notice the change in people's moods when a Friday rolls in versus the moods on a Monday! That observation set my mind to a thinkin' - WHY is that so and HOW can we harness this powerful, FRIDAY Attitude, Enthusiasm, and Mood EVERY DAY of the Week?
And it hit me! WE CAN!!!! WE HAVE THE ABILITY!!
The depth and power of the Human Mind is, ironically, beyond any human beings' true understanding and comprehension!
Think about that - The Human Mind cannot comprehend the power of itself! Or at least cannot communicate it to us!
What we DO know about the human mind is that it has the ability to create, destroy, dictate and alter any of our emotions!
ALL of our EMOTIONS are really in essence boiled down into TWO categories --
All of the other classifications of Emotions are subcategories under these two main categories!
Anger, fear, ecstasy, frustration, melancholy, excitement, etc -- these are ALL under either HAPPY or NOT HAPPY!!
This is the frame of reference we must operate under going forward - Am I Happy or Am I Not Happy?
Now - back to the power of the Human Mind!
WE - no one else, no other factor, Nada, Zilch - NOTHING or NO ONE ELSE - decides our emotions!!! OUR MIND controls it!
Let's stay on this for a moment because it is that critically important!!
YOU decide how you feel at any given moment!!
You may be frustrated at work and it APPEARS that the "work" issue is making you UNHAPPY! BUT it is not the work issue - it is your DECISION to let that issue infiltrate your mind and the emotion you CHOOSE - frustration- is NOT HAPPY!
If we properly HARNESS the Power of the Mind to monitor these emotions and RECOGNIZE that when we FEEL NOT HAPPY we are FOCUSED and CHOOSING the WRONG emotion in our minds - we will be able to STOP and BREAK that negative thought compounding!!
Read that part again -- What it comes down to is WE ARE NOT PRISONERS to consequence - or to anyone or anything! WE CHOOSE to be Miserable or Joyous!!
But -- HOW do we harness the mind?
Think about "drug" use! Drug use is an artificial substitute for what I am offering to you -- it is simply an "altering of the mind" through artificial substances!
Well - ask yourself -- if an artificial substance can alter my emotions, my mindset, my awareness simply by changing the chemicals in my mind - WHY CAN'T WE ALTER our emotions the same way through our THOUGHTS??
The only positive I can take from drug use is the critical point here and that is that THE MIND CAN BE MANIPULATED AND ALTERED and so can our Moods and Outlooks!!
Drug use, Alzheimer's on the negative side, Hypnosis -- ALL of these are proof that if we alter the mind, we have the ability to CHANGE BEHAVIOR, MOOD, EMOTIONS!
(I flashback to College and the eponymous "Hypnotist" that visits all schools as entertainment - and all I need to do is recall the Class Valedictorian on all fours on the stage in front of the student body- eating imaginary food out of an imaginary Dog Bowl and Barking to remind me of the "proof" that the mind controls behavior!!)
So - There is no REASON we cannot feel the way we do on this Glorious Friday on a "gloomy, doomy, Monday morning instead!!
WE CAN if we learn to focus our thoughts on "GROWTH - FUTURE - POTENTIAL"---and not on the "Woe is me" Monday attitude we have allowed ourselves to fall into every single week!
RECOGNIZE that YOU control it --- you can dictate your emotions, your attitudes, YOUR LIVES!
But you have to FOCUS on what you WANT - Not necessarily WHAT YOU HAVE!
Are you in a stinky job? Do not focus on that fact - FOCUS instead and VISUALIZE what you want to do next! What is your dream job? Visualize that job and then TAKE ACTION!!
Devise a Plan -- Take the First Step! Even if it is just doing your resume it is a start!
And DO NOT LET ANYONE talk you out of it!!! The biggest stifler of ambition is listening to others who discourage you!
Imagine -- a life full of Fridays!!
YOU CONTROL whether today is "Friday" or "Monday"!!!
Which will you choose?
Enjoy the Weekend - God Bless - and Stay Strong!
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