Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Nothing Worth Doing is ever Easy

It is an old adage, but it is so very true. If something is worth achieving, it is generally not that easy to accomplish. So it goes for changing your focus from negative to positive. It is a battle - a battle within your mind that you cannot afford to lose!

Do Not Give in to that Voice that tells you "You are no Good", "These things always happen to you" , "You don't deserve happiness, that job, that boyfriend/girlfriend", "You are worthless", You will never succeed", etc"

Fight those voices that shout down your confidence and faith and realize that YOU control the FOCUS you want to emphasize - You alone!

It is a matter of awareness - and once you are aware you can resist the urge to allow those negative thoughts to compound and talk you out of what it is you wish to achieve!

Tell yourself -- "Not on my Watch"!!

Do not believe everything you hear from your inner voice - as negative thoughts are of no value or worth to you! They only serve to corral your dreams, contain your ambitions, and postpone the Joy that you are entitled to receive!

Is it Easy to do this?? NO!! It is work -- but it is work that you and everyone else in your life cannot afford to have you neglect!

Try it -- Identify the negative voices -- refuse to listen to them -- and replace them with what you know to be true and positive about you!

Remove the Faith that you have put on this inner voice all your life - for such a long time that you now listen to it without challenge!

STOP NOW~~ Now is the time to challenge and replace!

Stay Strong -- the dreary day has given way to a more favorable climate and the BEST IS YET TO COME -- if you are willing to ACCEPT IT!

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