What we MUST avoid, however, is hosting any "Pity Parties" this New Year's Eve - or at any given time for that matter!
We have a tendency as humans to focus on the "lack" of what we have to the point of it driving us to depression, unhappiness, and jealousy!
When we take a step back and really look at our Blessings, not only compared to those living in Third World Countries (which is a disparity as wide as 100 oceans) but even with those around us in this country of plenty and wealth - it is STAGGERING!!!
Take a moment and a piece of paper and pencil and just jot down what you perceive as your "blessings"! It should not be difficult because even in the seemingly most dire of times - We are still abundantly Blessed and should FOCUS on these gifts as opposed to all the things WE ARE NOT, or DO NOT HAVE, or WISH WE OWNED, or LOOK LIKE!!
Don't you see that all of these latter thoughts are essentially putting all of your hopes for joy, love, happiness, fulfillment and contentment into a useless and doomed arena of wants and wishes!
Even if you do get some or all of what you think you need to OWN or BECOME, do you really think this will suddenly make you joyous, happy and peaceful???
I can tell you with certainty that this type of strategy is only setting you up for a series of failures and disappointments as what you do get suddenly is replaced by OTHER things you believe will make you happy!!
It is an effort in futility - a cycle of sadness and maniacal behavior- and must be avoided!!
So focus on how lucky you truly are to be healthy, loved, needed, useful, active, --ALIVE! People NEED you - they need your positive and strong influence, kindness, and support!!!
Just because they do not tell you how much you are valued does not mean you are not TREMENDOUSLY impactful in people's lives!
Do not wait until you are on your death bed to discover just HOW BLESSED AND VALUABLE you are in this world!!!
Stay Strong and go out and change people's lives TODAY!!