Monday, September 22, 2008


Imagine how great it will feel - or for some of you does feel already- to wake up on a day like today and not be encumbered by the worries and stresses of the coming day-week-month!

Imagine the freedom you will feel when that first negative thought creeps into your mind - say at about 5:10 - 5:30 am and you REPEL it as if it were a fly buzzing about harmlessly.

As if it did not exist! You feel it for a second and the next instant it is sent buzzing away somewhere else!

YOU can do this and experience that freedom every single day if you practice and believe in a few critical points:

1. Remember that everything passes! I am beating a dead horse here but it is so true and so important to constantly remind yourself of this fact!!! So why are you letting this worry or that concern drag you sown, weaken you? Is not today a new day and wide open to all the possibilities in the World? Cannot you take an action today that will forever change your path and direction? Or strengthen your current tack and path? But remember this well -- 100 years from now no one is going to care about these issues that are killing your creativity and diminishing your short time here on this earth!

2. Faith is all the matters!! Hate to quote George Michael here but "You gotta have Faith, Faith, Faith!" I don't care what it is that you believe in - what you put your faith in - as long as it is positive, it is real to you, and it focuses on the present and future!! Forget the past!! Let the past lie where it is! It is OVER! Faith is the belief that no matter your challenges or struggles - YOU KNOW in your heart that EVERYTHING will be OK and that you are being looked after! Believe that - and nothing is impossible!!

So today, when you are feeling those negative thoughts surrounding you - push them out immediately- use your MAITH to replace them - and shift your focus to the next great thing in store for you!! Take action -even if you do not immediately see the correlation or the possible outcome - simply have FAITH and BELIEVE that it is the right path!!

Just Do it!!! Swoooosh.....

Because if followed with confidence, faith, and love -- it always is the right path!

Stay Strong and have a Great
-- FREE - Week!!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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