Friday, October 10, 2008

What now?

Unless you have been living in a bunker or under a rock (which some pundits are actually advocating) the past few weeks, it is no surprise to you that we find ourselves in unprecedented times of crisis, fear, panic and despair.

This market "crash" has served as an equalizer in our society in that I do not know of one person -not a one - who has not already felt the impact of this situation!

Usually you will know some people who are affected by these type of markets, but I have never witnessed such a period of indiscriminate and complete hurting.

Everyone you encounter during your day is HURTING in some fashion or manner- and NEEDS your support, love, encouragement, words of belief and hope, and your love! They need to know EVERYTHING will be OK!

And guess what - it WILL BE OK!!

Talk about Negative Thought Compounding!! This financial crisis is the Textbook example of that concept!!

If we allow it, this crisis and the negativity that accompanies it will completely and totally overwhelm and envelop your entire mind and soul!!

Do not let this occur!! FIGHT IT!!

Stop listening to the pundits and turn off the TV! Go exercise, spend time with your family, friends - be there for others in need! Just being in the room for them can be enough to help boost their hopes and mood!

Take that action - do not bury your head in the sand and run!!

YOU be the one to stand up - lead by example - and Help your friends and family!!

This is bad - no question! But it is NOT the end of the world and YOU and I - all of us - will come through this!!

Has this crisis changed things dramatically? ABSOLUTELY! If it has exemplified one thing we have taught here many times it is THAT EVERYTHING PASSES! People who were riding high from the excesses of the past 10 years have now been severely damaged and are hurting. They need you now more than ever and it is probably even more painful for them! But we all need each other regardless of our situations!

Fear is a powerful and paralyzing emotion and it feeds on negative compounding - But it cannot BEAT us if we confront it and FOCUS on the fact that FEAR is man-made and can be eradicated with practice!!

Fear does not own you unless you allow it to do so!

So take a deep breath, relax, confide in your friends and family, seek support from loved ones, and most importantly remember THAT THIS TOO SHALL PASS and YOU will be OK!!

I cannot say it enough!!!

Stay Strong - seek out those in need of comforting and love - and BE THERE for all who need it.

The World is looking to YOU to lead by example - show them the way to Peace and Joy!!!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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