Thursday, September 4, 2008

Decision Making

It is absolutely fascinating to me how much our lives depend on "decisions". The very course of our lives can turn dramatically based on a seemingly innocuous decision.

How often do we hear both horror and lovely stories of the longer term outcome and ramifications of our decisions?

The school you choose, the partner you choose, the party or restaurant you decide to go to one night, the job opportunity you take or more importantly decide not to take, the route you take to the train or supermarket one day -- all of these seemingly easy and small decisions play a gigantic role in the direction, path and ultimately the quality of our lives.

Some decisions are made with the blink of an eye, others made only after agonizingly analyzing both sides of the coin.

No matter, the common characteristic evident in any decision is COURAGE!

Courage to choose the Right path - to listen to your gut and do the Right Thing - based on FAITH!

As in many things, the outcome of many of our decisions is seldom immediately known to us and it may take many days, weeks, years, to know if the right decision was made!

But let me assure you - a decision made in Faith, in faith that there is something or Someone larger and wiser guiding you, a decision based in Love and Trust is ALWAYS going to end well!!

Many times we make a decision and immediately question it - lament over it - "buyers' remorse" they call it!

This is a wasteful and fruitless exercise - make the decision, have the good faith to know that a decision made in faith, love and trust will always be the RIGHT and ONLY decision, and move on with your next step!!!

Everything works out - no matter what happens - and we MUST believe this as we make our choices!!!

It is law!!! ;)

Stay Strong and have conviction and faith in your life decisions!

There is a Plan - there is a Path for all of us and if we just open our hearts and ears - we will be guided and never stray alone!! The right decisions will come to us - Always!

God Bless and Stay Strong!!!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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