Monday, December 1, 2008

"Foundation Build in progress"

I do not profess to be a "handy" person around the house, nor am I well versed on things related to "building", "construction" or "engineering".

I do, however, fully understand the critical importance to building a STRONG FOUNDATION when building any freestanding structure.

It does not matter how strong, fortified, well built, or well structured a building may be - without the benefit of a strong and inpenetrable foundation, your structure will always be vulnerable to external forces and time!

So it is with our Spirit and our Soul! The key to a happy, joyous and Peaceful life is to build and maintain a strong and inpenetrable FOUNDATION of Belief and Faith!!

Unlike a physical building, Our Foundation has to be tended to and built up "multiple times a day" - consistently and continually reinforcing the strength and depth of the base!!

I am sure that this concept is easy to grasp and most people will not argue with it as a fact.

The pressing question instead is:

"How do I build and maintain this strong core Foundation?"

Well the answer is we have to use our hourly thoughts and "MAITH"s (Mental Ace in the Hole) ALL DAY LONG to push out any prior negative beliefs, replacing them with positive, uplifting, and Strong Beliefs and thoughts!!

Every day you can do this exercise, you will re-fortify and strengthen your core soul and spirit - enabling you to withstand and repel torrents of negativity, worry, anxiety and FEAR!!!

Like a beach home that commonly sees hurricane activity, our spirit and soul must be built up, overly fortified, and great efforts taken in anticipation of future fierce and dangerous forces that we may encounter in our quest for Peace and Joy!

Eventually - via DAILY mental and repetitive exercises - we will enjoy an inpenetrable Foundation and an ever strengthened soul - able to withstand ANY forces or situations we may encounter in our daily lives!

Imagine how wonderful that will feel!!

It is yours if you want it!!!!

Go and Build It Today!!!!

Stay Strong!!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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