Thursday, November 13, 2014


"Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. It is the belief that God will do what is right. "
  - Max Lucado

We all struggle at some point with our Faith and with the challenging circumstances that we often find ourselves facing in our daily lives.

For some these life events are not life threatening, earth shattering or life altering in the grand scheme of things.

For others of us the events are devastating and seemingly impossible to overcome.

Whether it is illness, divorce, loss of a job, loss of a loved one or a parent or a child, physical or mental abuse, financial troubles or family strife, we all have our crosses to bear on this earth.

One thing I can guarantee is that no matter what we have weighing on our minds today, there are many that have more serious and difficult challenges to deal with today than we do!!

By way of  this comparison we are able to put our own troubles in perspective,  but we rarely look past our own worlds to do this.

This is human nature!

If we could truly focus on what we have going for us and the many BLESSINGS we have as opposed to our current concerns, we would quickly be able to shift our worry, fear and anxieties away from panic toward peace and solutions.

What is most important in this practice is that we have Faith that everything will be ok and will work out regardless of our own predetermined belief about it!

It is not always visible to us the path or mission we have been given to fulfill on this earth.

It is sometimes not for us to know or understand why these storms have been placed in our paths at any given time.

But if we can accept the notion that even if WE don't see why things happen to us, or why that door closed to us, or why we have to carry this burden or hardship at this point - if we can somehow accept that there is a VALUE in these challenges and this too shall pass - we will have no other option but Peace and Joy!!

Trust that there are bigger powers than us in motion and if we place our Faith in these forces - namely God - we will find our battles to be much more manageable and find our STRENGTH to be insurmountable in the face of ANY adversity !!!

What we want and what is best for us in the long run are not always necessarily the same thing!! 

Believe that God will continue to guide us safely down the path we are on today and if that path has some potholes and challenges along the journey,  accept them with Courage, with Hope, and with Faith - but always with Trust!

Stay Strong!!

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