Wednesday, November 26, 2014


"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are."

        - Anonymous

PLEASE do not take a single moment of this life for granted.

The good and the bad, the challenges and the joys, the struggles and the victories, the defeats and the triumphs- all of these are the ingredients for the perfect life on this earth!

They all add up and blend into what we call the story of our lives...

It sounds cliche no doubt, but it really is the journey that matters - not necessarily the destination! !

Do not rush to the ending just yet!!!

Savor each chapter, even the painful ones, because those too shall pass!!!!

And with whatever storm you are in today having passed, with the sun shining on us and the storm clouds having lifted and dissipated, we will emerge stronger, more grateful and understanding, and confident that we can handle ANYTHING life throws in our way!!

It is not easy to see the shore sometimes when we are fighting for our lives, but we MUST envision it and BELIEVE in it because relief and peace will eventually come to all of us!! 

Embrace the challenges you are encountering with true Confidence and Hope, and have FAITH that all will be ok when the clouds lift and the seas subside!!

Because it all will....!!!!!

You are not in this battle alone!

Happy Thanksgiving to all and I wish you many blessings of Gratefulness and Joy for all we have been granted!

Let's count all our blessings as we all have so many!

Stay Strong!!!

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