Friday, November 7, 2014

[Stay Strong] You are not ALONE!


Certain days it seems like things pile up and pile up on you until you feel like you are at a breaking point.

No matter the size or scope of the challenge on our plate - from marital strife,  children issues, divorce,  battling illness,  coping with deep, personal loss, financial hardship, depression,  or work related issues - we all can feel overwhelmed at times!!

We all experience moments of helplessness, hopelessness, uselessness, anxiety loss, fear and desperation --and at times we can feel like we are all ALONE in this universe!

Well Newsflash:

You are NEVER alone!

It is easy for our minds to go immediately to the worst case scenario and isolate ourselves from others when we are in trials and strife!

It is all too easy to rollover in the face of pain and fear!

It is so easy to capitulate and just throw in the cards because fighting seems like too hard of a battle - and a losing cause!

Don't Do It!

Remember - .despite what your earthly mind tells you -you are Never alone!!

The Holy Spirit - The Comforter-  waits for you to ask for His help!

That is why He has been given to us by the Lord!

He is ALWAYS with you!! Utilize Him!

It is simple to ask and pray for strength and guidance.

He is the answer to all sincere prayer!!

He is the Comfort we seek in all times of challenge!!

Never despair!

Never fear!

Call upon the Holy Spirit for guidance - fall back on the Faith that you know will never forsake you - and whatever you ask will come to you!

It is His promise!

You will get through this storm and when the sun rises and the cloud have dissipated,  you will be all the stronger and more prepared for the next inevitable challenge to come your way!

Don't Quit - Don't lose hope! 

The tide has turned in your favor and all you need to do now is stay in the game!

Stay Strong!

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