Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Promise

"Do not look forward to the changes and chances of this life in fear;
rather look at them with full hope that, as they arise, God, whose you are, will deliver you out of them.

He is your Keeper.

He has kept you hitherto.

Will you but hold fast to His dear hand, and He will lead you safely through all things; and, when you cannot stand, He will bear you in His arms.

Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow.

Our Father will either shield you from suffering,  or He will give you strength to bear it."

- St Francis De Sales

I absolutely love this passage!!

If we believe this and take it as truth - or better yet, even if we are skeptical and not all the way there yet but willing to give it a try - how can any one of us have an ounce of fear, worry, anxiety or a lack of Peace about anything in our lives?

It is akin to a "Guarantee"! 

It is His Promise!!

If you were "guaranteed" that at the end of all our struggles, troubles, and daily strifes that it would all be ok and everything would work out for the best, would that change what you think of and spend your time thinking about?

Would that make a difference in how you wake up or go to bed?

Would it make a difference in your peace, your joy, or your attitude?

Would believing in this promise alter how you approach problems and deal with setbacks, live your life, and interact with people?

Would it change how you are handing a current battle or storm - be it illness, divorce,  unemployment,  grief, person relationship strife,  etc??

How great and easier would life be if we had this type of guarantee??

What would your mind and thoughts consist of when all the worry, uncertainty and fear vanish in an instant?

Well, this in no infomercial but that guarantee exists TODAY!!!!

It is not in writing or in a legal contract anywhere and we really don't have a "Tripadvisor" review site to check it's legitimacy.

However, it does exist and it is real and all we need do is take that Leap of Faith and BELIEVE it for it to take hold!

Seems worth a shot to me!

Afterall, what do we have to lose by taking that Leap?

Only gripping and debilitating fear and anxiety.

Stay Strong!!

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