Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Hang on.....

Some nights last longer than others it seems.

Sometimes the night appears to linger on for days.

But no matter the length or the duration of the darkness, LIGHT inevitably, undoubtedly, miraculously appears!!!

It is a given - a true blessing indeed! And one that we must remember when the night's darkness seems to endure and drag on in our lives!

LIGHT always breaks up the darkness - no matter how dark or how bleak the night seems!

It is ONE thing we can all count on when times get tough, when life takes a bad turn, or you feel overwhelmed!

Take a deep breath - step back and remember that regardless of how bad things seem to be at that moment - nothing can stop the LIGHT from appearing to dissolve the darkness!

It always does and it always will!!!

Ask for it to come - pray sincerely for it to come! 

Then TRUST that it will arrive and drive out the darkness you are experiencing!!

"This too shall pass" is a phrase we use and hear often, but it is one of the most accurate and true phrases ever uttered!

The Night does not last!! Everything we experience will pass!! 

You will get through this - even if it is so dark today that you cannot see your hand in front of your face!

As far fetched as it seems in our current storm, it is a fact! !!

No one, no matter how torturous the situation,  no matter what challenges ir trials you face today, ever lives their lives perpetually in the dark!!

The Light is on it's way so STAY STRONG and hold on for it to arrive!

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