Thursday, November 6, 2014

[Stay Strong] Head down, Move forward!!

"Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn."
      - Harriet Beecher Stowe

Imagine how many amazing and tremendous things in our world resulted from someone NOT giving up on a goal or project!!!

So many breakthroughs and inventions may have never seen the light of day if the person who finally nailed it had not given it one more shot!!!!

I dont care what the issue is or what you are facing!

Do not give up not quit!!! 


You may be dealing with severe stress and sadness from a loss of a loved one.

You may be out of work and desperate to put food on your family's table.

You may be battling an illness or a physical challenge.

You may have marital issues, family issues or struggling with relationships.

You may feel alone, helpless, and hopeless no matter what storm you are engulfed in today and battling!

It doesn't matter the source of the challenge we face - we need to set our goal to reach the shore and calmer waters - with total Hope and Faith that we will achieve it!


Keep your eye on the goal and do not waver from it, no matter how many setbacks or failures we experience in the meantime!!

Success will come if we trust and believe the outcome is close at hand and put our heads down and move forward!!! 

Do not get discouraged!! You are not alone in your battle!!

Do not let negative thoughts or negative people influence or override your Trust and Faith that you will get through this tsunami and come out unscathed!

Setbacks are inevitable and should be embraced, it just means you are getting closer to the goal!!

You are MUCH tougher and more determined than you ever thought or believed!

It is time to show the world this TRUTH!!

Do not turn back now and do not give up hope - because the dawn is breaking and the seas are calming - and this too shall pass!!

It is a fact!

Stay Strong!!

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