Thursday, April 30, 2015

Please read ...Faith and Intervention :)

"In three missionary journeys, covering a large portion of the Roman Empire, God only intervened in this way on two significant occasions.

On one occasion Paul had a vision of a man from Macedonia pleading with him to come preach to them, and on another occasion Paul was heading to Asia when the "spirit of Christ"kept him from going (Acts 6).

In either case, there was no ambiguity as to whether God was speaking to him.

There was no second-guessing—it was crystal clear—and I think the same thing will be true of us in the rare circumstance when God shows up in order to stop us.

It will be so clear that we won't dare question whether or not it was him.

Just as he did with Paul, God intervenes when necessary in our lives in order to ensure that his will is accomplished.

This means that we don't have to be terrified about the consequences of our choices; God is never surprised by our choices, never horrified, even when we think we've ruined our lives with a bad decision.

He takes this into account as he organizes the world and writes our own stories.

You can rest assured that our benevolent God will intervene if we get off course.

Sometimes we'll find him quietly, invisibly moving the world on our behalf, and occasionally we might find a door slammed in our faces to keep us from going the wrong way.

Regardless, it's his job to keep us on track, and our job to just do our best.

He knows us, and is comfortable with our imperfections.

He knew what he was getting himself into when he brought us into his family.

This ought to be a source of constant comfort for us when we are fighting to decide how we want to move forward in our lives, and when we bite our lips and take the next logical step.

Actually, it takes more faith to do this than it does to follow a pillar of fire in the right direction.

Faith is only necessary when we don't know exactly where we're going, and we have to hold on to belief that God is walking by our side.

In other words, it's our job to keep our car on the road.

He'll take care of the guardrails, and he's got quite the track record.

No one has ever driven off his road."

- "What am I supposed to do with my life?"  By Johnnie Moore

Stay Strong! !

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