Friday, April 10, 2015

In times of Trouble; opportunity

The Trust Factor

But I trust in you, Lord; I say, "You are my God."   Psalm 31: 14

Sometimes the only way we can learn how to trust God is to step into trouble.

Perhaps you've noticed it too; sometimes trouble comes in like a flood.
If you've ever been shocked by a circumstance of life, perhaps you've wondered, If God loves me, why would he allow horrible things to happen in the first place?

You may not realize it, but we actually live on a battlefield.

That's why we not only trip over the wounded or dying but also at times get wounded ourselves by flying shrapnel.

When life gives us pain, we sometimes lift an eyebrow at God as if to say, If you want me to trust you, why are you making it so difficult?

But honestly, how are we ever going to learn to walk on water if an occasional flood doesn't test us?

Could it be the Lord wants us to trust in him, regardless of the storms, shrapnel, or floods surging around us?

That's how the people in the Bible learned to trust God for miracles—by looking to him in times of trouble.

Did you know trouble can be found in every book of the Bible? Even the beloved apostle Paul experienced difficulties.  

So perhaps when God allows trouble into our lives, he is simply giving us the opportunity to seek him and to invite him to draw ever near.

So if you feel the need to call on God for help, count it as a good thing.

David, in the days before he became king, often called out to God, especially when he was on the run from King Saul, a man who wanted him dead.

It was on the battlefield that David learned to trust God with his whole heart.

David wrote of his experiences in the Psalms: "With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall"(18: 29).

David also said, "Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me"(Ps. 54: 4).

God is waiting in your trouble so he can teach you how to walk with him through the battlefield."

Adapted from "When you need a Miracle" by Linda Evans Shepherd

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