Monday, October 28, 2013

The Key..

"You can have anything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want."
- Zig Ziglar

"The purpose of human life is to serve,
and to show compassion and the will to help others."
- Albert Schweitzer

It is a fact that the longer we dwell or focus on anything,  the more it will consume our entire thoughts and lives.

We can all think of a time when this has occurred to us in our lives.

Whether it is a good dwelling or bad  (and most likely it tends to be the negative ones), the more we allow our minds to entertain and continuously process a thought or situation the more likely that other similar thoughts will join in on the fun!!

Some call it the Law of Attraction.

Now this is terrific IF these thoughts are positive,  growth oriented,  and helpful.  But if they are thoughts of worry, anxiety and fear - oh boy are we digging a hole!!!

Be cognizant of the types of thoughts you allow to get your attention during the day.

Since it is almost impossible to monitor every single thought that enters your mind, the easiest way to identify if you are letting too many in is to check HOW YOU FEEL!

If you feel crummy, fearful, depressed or worried,  you have been asleep at the wheel.

The floodgates have been opened and your mind is flooded woth negative thoughts!

This is easily corrected fortunately. 

The mental "sump pump" you can use is to identify this flooding, and immediately interrupt the cascading of negativity.

Shift focus onto a solution or next step of action to address the negative thought!!!

A foolproof way to keep on the positive track is to seek out ways to help others who may need your assistance!

We don't need to become Mother Theresa ( although that would be nice too) but instead just identify someone in need of a pick me up, a smile, a word of encouragement, a compliment,  a sounding board,  or a pep talk.

There are countless opportunities in the day to make a positive impact on someone's day who is in need of a lift!

By shifting focus to that endeavor,  you will automatically stop the flow of negative thoughts and at the very least interrupt the pattern!

It is impossible to help someone and NOT feel better about life in general!

Give it a try today.... it works and it can happen this very second!

Be vigilant with these negative thoughts and if they flood, pump them out immediately! !!

The best tool for this is always at your disposal! 

Make good use of it!!

Stay Strong! !

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