Monday, October 7, 2013

[Stay Strong] The Rules

"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves."
>   - The Buddha
> Imagine being invited to participate in a game whereby you aren't specifically told the duration or the objective.
> Not only that, you aren't told the exact rules of the game nor do you know the way to win or by what criteria you will be judged at the end of the game to even know if you won of lost!
> The only way to figure out the rules is to either listen to people who are also playing the game and have been playing it longer than you, or just gather information and decide what rules to follow on your own - chasing an objective that you decide to follow!
> So you play this game based on your own judgement of what the rules of the game are and ONLY AFTER the game is over do you find out if you played the game correctly!
> Sounds crazy but this is exactly how life works, isn't it?
> The rules of this life game are really up to us to choose to follow based on our beliefs, goals, other's input, and data we process as we go along!
> And only AFTER we play the game out completely will we realize whether or not we played by the "right" rules.
Therefore it is imperative that we choose wisely the rules we want to follow and craft our lives around the right principles!
> Everyone is playing this same game along side us and operating under different rules and strategies, but do not be swayed and follow the wrong ones that will fail to bring you joy or happiness!
> Have faith that you are on or will find the right path and trust you will be ok when the game is finally over!

Because whether we win or lose the game does not matter as much as the way we play it on a daily basis - and everything works out if we follow our hearts!

This too shall pass....

> Stay Strong!

Photo courtesy of Brad Burton!! Thank you!  Amazing! !

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