Friday, October 8, 2010

Defeat Worry Week....Daily Inspiration

If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything.
~ Ernest Hemingway

Today completes our last entry on "Defeat Worry Week" (but I cannot promise it will be the last you will hear on the topic..LOL).

I had some hesitation with including this Hemingway quote above seeing how he did commit suicide in Ketchum, Idaho afterall.

However, the quote and the associated message was so compelling to me and so appropriate that I could not avoid including it here.

This quote goes right to the heart of the need for "action" instead of worry and stewing about our current challenges.

Worry adds absolutely no value whatsoever to any situation and it is a fear based behavior laden with "what ifs" and speculation about events that usually do not even occur anyway.

Think about how ridiculous and useless worrying really is for us.

We can train ourselves to become free of worry with some repeated actions and steps and we must do it now!

Worry sucks the life and soul out of us, for no reason whatsoever, and leaves is worse than when we started worrying about something!!

Release yourself from this dangerous but defeatable behavior asap!!

If you have a problem, focus like a laserbeam on fixing it - identify the solution and set to making that s reality---and do not let one second be wasted on worry or fear!!

You can do it!!!

Stay Strong and Keep the Faith!!

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