Sunday, October 10, 2010

As Shark Week...errrr...I mean, "Defeat Worry Week" continues!!! Daily Inspiration

Every evening I turn my worries over to God.  He's going to be up all night anyway.
~ Mary C. Crowley

I have zero idea as to who Mary Crowley is, but she is definitely a bright woman!

Imagine being able to completely turn over all your worries at a "Worry Return Desk" at the end of the day.

Like returning a book at the library, it is that simple if you take time to train your mind to do it every night!

It does take Faith, and perseverance to do this, but those are two qualities we all possess and can use in all aspects of our lives!

See God and the Holy Spirit as the worry collector waiting for you to drop off your share for them to take off your hands and relieve you of that responsibility!

Imagine making that drop off every night so you do not have to worry and can sleep peacefully!!

We can do it and God asks us to do it!!  So why not take Him up on it??

Enjoy the worry free weekend and KNOW that you are NEVER ALONE as you walk through this life!!

Never forget that fact!! 

It is God's promise to all of us!

Stay Strong!!

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