Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rainy Day? I only see Sunshine ahead!!!

It is an old cliche and it is pervasive in our society - even celebrated in songs with lyrics such as "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down."

The Rainy Day Blues!

It is nasty and wet in downtown Manhattan today and a perfect excuse to be grumpy, tired, and depressed indeed.  No one will question it -- no one will deny you that right to be down on a day such as this!

What better reason to pull a George Constanza and go the opposite!!!????

Think about it -- what better way to become joyous, happy and uplifted than going the opposite of the crowd of lemmings following the depression chamber expectations?

And the best part?

YOU control it!  You, who feel hopeless, helpless, directionless, and powerless can CONTROL this aspect of your life!!

And the side effect is even more rewarding -- you will lift others! 

As a result of your conscious and STRONG decision to Master your own Emotions, You will lead others (not all at first but some) out of the doldrums and enlighten them to the point where they are feeling better about the day!!

This is an amazing gift every single person on earth possesses and can exercise at will -- -and so few do it!

Be the ONE who does today

You know why?   Because THEY NEED IT from you!  Your family, friends, spouse, children, co-workers, even complete strangers WILL be positively impacted by YOU!!! 

That is a pretty amazing Gift - directly from God!

Take advantage of this rainy day and spread the Joy!!  It starts with one smile and one decision to go against the grain!!!

Stay Strong!!!

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