Friday, May 14, 2010

It was just a bad dream......

I am not sure if there is a word or phrase to describe this event or situation but there ought to be.

Do you know that feeling of utter relief, joy and peace the exact moment you awake from a nightmare?

 That wave of "oh thank God it was only a nightmare/dream?"

It is a wonderful feeling indeed.

Except the only problem is that in order to reach that tremendous feeling of relief and happiness we must first endure the nightmare and the accompanying feelings of pain,fear and terror at times

Isn't that a lot like life?

Think about it.  We go through a lot of pain and suffering in this life. Some people experience the equivalent of nightmares daily and endure it continually.  Others have these struggles and terror in pockets.

Well, I am convinced that just as we awake from nightmares and realize it was not real, so too must we realize that our daily worries and fears are also just illusions and are not real.

Sure, they do occur and happen to us daily, but we have to recognize that they are not fatal, they can only impact  us if we let them run roughshod over our thoughts and feelings.

We control exactly what we want to focus on in our minds. We have that power.

So like a bouncer at a nightclub, check the thoughts credentials before you allow them into your daily life!

If they are fearful, anxious, negative thoughts that seek entry, refuse them passage!

Take control of your mind and consciously decide what you want to do, be, feel, act - then do not waver from that which you choose.

VISUALIZE every morning, evening, and in between exactly what it is you want from your life, the person you want to be - empowered, strong, confident, compassionate, peaceful, etc - and it will come to you.

PRAY for knowledge, peace, guidance, and direction. Ask the Holy Spirit to decide for you! Say it aloud to Him "decide for me".  There is no better guide or sherpa on this journey through life and enlightenment. Use Him every minute!

SHRUG off setbacks, fears, worries by recognizing them for the illusions they are and not allowing them residence in your thoughts  and mind. Fight them off, and take action where needed to address any problems.

We will all be ok - none of what we fear or waste a lifetime worrying about truly matters.

Love and kindness is all that we need seek daily and all that matters in the end.

Realize this and you will be able to handle life's curveballs much easier!

Now wake up from that dream and get on with your life with eyes wide open and the peace and strength that comes from knowing who has your back in this life and beyond!

Stay Strong!

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