Monday, August 4, 2008

What "Motivates" You??

When it all boils down to the bottom line - the critical question that must be asked and answered in order for us to experience JOY in our lives is simply this:


Seems simplistic and with all the self-help books and media surrounding us we tend to take the word "motivation" lightly and for granted.

However - if we can get to the ROOT of what Motivates us I can ASSURE you that Success, Joy, Contentment, and PEACE will follow directly!

Why is this? Because in order to experience HAPPINESS we, as Human Beings, MUST seek GROWTH!!


We MUST constantly seek to GROW or we become complacent, depressed, stagnated, and make it impossible to experience JOY!!

Stay with me on these lines now ---

So we MUST seek to GROW - how is it that we do this? We must ACT on something and in order to pursue a PASSION we must have something DRIVING us to do it!

The Driver - or MOTIVATOR - can be anything that clicks with you! For me, it is my Family - period! Everything that drives me to GROW is the result of my desire to do it for my family! This gets me out of bed in the morning, and keeps me striving to make myself BETTER!

For others it is Money -Fame - Success - Glory - inner pride - some chase the dem0ns of a bad childhood -WHATEVER does it for you YOU MUST IDENTIFY it first!!!

Define what is your Passion! If you do not have one that you can identify -- then decide to CREATE one right now!

Go after that hobby you always wished you had pursued! Start taking guitar or piano lessons - try a sport you had never really played before but always wished you had! Join a Running club- a social group - play softball - join a Book Club!

The point is that it DOES NOT MATTER what you choose as long as it is something that will Drive you - will MOTIVATE you!

Set a GOAL for that passion and WRITE IT DOWN!!! Then GO GET IT!!

You Control the next steps in your life! Not your spouse, parents, siblings, boss, friends, kids -- YOU!!!

If you are not happy with your situation -THEN CHANGE IT!

Understanding what motivates and drives you will allow you make that change quickly and keep you driving towards happiness and Joy!!!

Try it - it works and it WILL Work for YOU -- not just "those other people" that seem to be happy and peaceful!

You have waited too long -- NOW It is YOUR TURN!!!!

Stay Strong

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