Friday, August 8, 2008

Thought of the Day

I happened to be Channel Surfing late the other night and came across a woman who was presenting to a group of individuals. I was moved by her emotion, her apparent determination and the sense of urgency in her voice.

She spoke for a long while, but after an email exchange with a friend over his current situation this morning, I was reminded of a compelling concept she had discussed that rang true to me in his situation!

I am paraphrasing here but her message was as follows:

"So many times I encounter people struggling with issues in their lives - career, relationship, family, financial, health related, etc. Some of these people are in the throes of despair and seem angry about their current predicament. They say to me that "God - the Universe - whomever they believe to be a Higher Presence - has abandoned them and they are angry about it. They ask WHY is God not helping me out of my dilemma, situation, circumstance?? How can God let me wallow here in this state?"

She paused a long while and delivered this answer to what she posed:

"Some people see things negatively because they’ve experienced unhappy circumstances all their lives and can't imagine anything getting any better. Then there are those who see everything as bad and negative simply because that’s the way they feel on the inside. Whatever the cause, a negative outlook leaves a person miserable and unable to make any progress toward the “promised land.”

She continued...

"I was one of those people for many years of my life. I was on my way to the Promised Land (heaven), but I wasn’t enjoying the trip. My mind was in the desert, and I was dying in the wilderness. My wilderness mentalities, or wrong ways of thinking, were keeping me from dealing with those areas of life that God wanted to touch and redeem."

" I was stuck...going around and around the same mountain; but thank God for His mercy. He helped me identify and change those wrong mindsets."

" Today, my mind is renewed. I have a new way of thinking, and I've been rescued from the desert. "

"What God did for me, He can certainly do for you. Ask Him to show you your wilderness mentalities and help you make the necessary changes. He can deliver your mind from the desert and help you enjoy the journey to the promised land! "

The point is that the "Promised Land" you are seeking is right there for you - but if you do not have the proper mindset - the proper attitude - the correct approach of Faith and Belief - You will not experience it!

You have to change your mindset - start believing that the "Promised Land" (Happiness, Joy, Peace) in your own lives is right around the corner - and YOU WILL REACH IT!!!

However - One cannot occur with the other!

It is "Surrender" when you blame your current circumstances on your past experiences - and do not set your mind on the right path to what is rightly yours to claim!

Have Faith and Believe --- but YOU have to do it yourself!

Stay Strong

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