Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Never Leave Home without THIS....

As the American Express commercial suggests, there are some things that we ought never leave home without bringing with us!

The Most Important thing in our discussions that you must always bring with you is your "Mental Ace in the Hole"!!!

This "MAITH" does not take up any space - is usually pretty easy to remember, and is invaluable in Correcting a Day, or a Minute, or a Thought that strays from us!

"What are you talking about" is an appropriate exclamation!

When we feel and sense a negative "thought compounding" event taking place in our heads - We must grab this MAITH from our memory banks and REPLACE the negative thought IMMEDIATELY!

Think of it as a mental ERASER that, once called upon and summoned, wipes out the negative thought that tries to infiltrate our mind and is replaced by a pleasant, consistent, positive, uplifting message!

All you have to do is CREATE the MAITH - (or you can have several MAITHS to draw upon) you are going to use daily and practice pulling it out and focusing ONLY ON IT!

Now, your MAITH can be an image of your spouse, your children, your family, your dog, etc. It can be a reminder of your GOALS, your reason for pursuing those goals, etc.

It can be religious - you can remember that we are all on "that same train" and that "everything is going to be ok", etc!

It should be the embodiment of your FUTURE DESIRES, WISHES, HOPES and WANTS -an image, a picture, a scene --- it should stir that feeling of excitement and happiness that only comes from our Seeking Growth and optimism in what is to come - no matter how bleak and frightening the PRESENT appears!!

It is essentially a MANTRA or a visualization that is able to "Sound an alarm" and bring your MIND back to focus on what is important -- Your NEXT step toward Joy and Fulfillment!

I did this today on the train - saddled with some negative thoughts and "worst-case" scenario worries about life in general, I was able to:

A. Identify the "Negative Thought Compounding" as it tried to take over my thoughts!

B. STOP it DEAD in it's tracks by Identifying it for what it truly is!

C Use my strongest MAITH to erase the negative thoughts and worries and put things back in perspective!

D Resume POSITIVE and OPTIMISTIC thoughts of the day, the week and the future!

It truly works -- but you have to have the MAITH ready to go at the drop of a hat!

Stick with it - like anything else, PRACTICE makes perfect!!

Do not grow discouraged and keep pulling out that MAITH at the first sign of negative emotion, worry, anxiety, and FEAR!! Keep at it!

Stay Strong --

Remember why you are here -to GROW and experience JOY - if you are not doing either of these or both, You MUST re-focus and your MAITH is the "Most Powerful Weapon" available to accomplish just that Goal!!!

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