Sunday, December 15, 2013

[Stay Strong] Storms

"The wise man in the storm prays God, not for safety from danger,but for deliverance from fear.
> It is the storm within which endangers him, not the storm without."
     - Ralph Waldo Emerson
> Life is full of storms.  Some are quick mild storms, while others appear to be huge Category 5 hurricanes.
> Avoiding storms should be a goal for all of us but it certainly is not possible to avoid them all.
> Many of us are battling our own personal storms as we speak!
> If we can accept and fully expect to be hit with a storm at any time, and prepare ourselves mentally for anything that may be thrown at us, WE CAN WEATHER ANY STORM IMAGINABLE!!
> As Emerson so eloquently put it, it is not so much what life throws at us, it is how we react internally that matters. 
> Pray for the removal of that wasted, dreaded, potential limiting FEAR, not that we avoid the storms of life altogether!!
> Facing storms and surviving them only serves to strengthen us!!!
> Bring them on...embrace them as the seas get rough and the sky grows dark and the wind starts whipping!! 
> You will sail through it unscathed if you banish the fear and have the faith that this storm shall pass!!
> and ALL storms do pass!!!!
> If we can master that internally and prepare in advance for the rough seas, nothing can impede out progress or stop our march toward peace and joy!!!
> Nothing!!
> We control only that .... And can start this very moment if we choose!!!
> Stay Strong!!

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