Friday, December 20, 2013

Bah Humbug.....

"Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal.Live this day as if it were your last.The past is over and gone.The future is not guaranteed."

   - Wayne Dyer

Life is such a gift and a fleeting gift at that!

Every one of us is guilty of taking for granted the mere fact that we should be Incredibly grateful to be able to even get out of bed in the morning - period! 

After that blessing, the rest is gravy and we are blessed beyond our wildest dreams!!

But we as humans do not know what we have until it is gone and then it is too late to take action.  We only really count our blessings when we see for ourselves how much life could be WORSE!

I had the recent opportunity to read Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol" with my son as he was reading it for school.

There is no greater reminder of the metaphors and the powerful moral of that story as it relates to all of our lives and to our actions! 

I recommend you read or re-read it today. There is no better timing for it than this season!

Scrooge got lucky.  He was warned that his actions and his attitude and the way he treated people on a daily basis had consequences!!!

Scrooge was blessed to have the opportunity to make amends and fix his mistakes before it was too late!!

For many people, by the time they realize their mistakes it is too late to do anything about it!

So take action today!! 

You control your today!  

Appreciate the opportunities you have at your disposal TODAY and let's stop lamenting and ruminating on our tough breaks,  our failures, and our disappointments!

Leave the past where it belongs! 

Today begins a new you, a new focus, a new approach and a new outlook on what we want our lives to be TODAY!

Get on it now as it is later than we think - but NEVER to late to change our attitude and our perspective!

And in the words of Tiny Tim; God bless us - one and all!

Stay Strong!!

1 comment:

Judy Croughan said...

Can you contact me?