Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Words to keep us on the right path

"The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have."
  - Norman Vincent Peale

"Believe in yourself. Have faith in your abilities. Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy."
   - Norman Vincent Peale

We ALL have the power necessary to attain peace and happiness!


We constantly seek and pursue what we think is peace and happiness only to find out a little too late that we are way down the wrong path!

It has been proven that if we actively and passionately pursue opportunities to help others with their daily battles, immerse ourselves with the goal of assisting others, as opposed to letting our own challenges, temporary setbacks, and troubles weigh us down.

The answer to our challenges are already inside us and within our very own reach!

We just need to have Faith and Belief in our purpose here on this earth, whether or not we know that purpose yet, and the best way to dig out of our own issues is to turn to help others do their digging!!

It just takes one person to start!!  Find that person today and change your life!!

Stay Strong!

Photo courtesy of R. Pellechia ..all rights reserved

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