Monday, August 27, 2012

The Key

"Try to make at least one person happy every day.

If you cannot do a kind deed, speak a kind word.

If you cannot speak a kind word, think a kind thought.

Count up, if you can, the treasure of happiness that you would dispense in a week, in a year, in a lifetime!"
        - Lawrence G. Lovasik

The secret to happiness and peace lies in the words above.

When we lose ourselves in our own worries, problems, and daily challenges, it becomes even more difficult to see the forest from the trees.

Simply by shifting our focus on helping others with their daily challenges and making other people feel stronger and supported, our own problems seem to diminish and pale in comparison!

Try it can start with a smile and kind word.  It does not have to be an elaborate plan!!

It is the key to the right path!!!

Stay Strong!!

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