Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Walk a Mile...

We have probably heard this saying a couple thousand times in our lifetime.

"Walk a mile in a man's shoes before you judge".

We hear it and understand it - but it is important that we truly grasp the meaning of this wise and powerful proverb.

As we have discussed here many times, it is very simple to get lost in our daily struggles and issues. When we have challenges and problems, we as HUMANS tend to let those problems consume our every waking moment, overwhelm our thoughts and actions - We simply cannot seem to stop obsesssing on the current strife we battle on a daily basis.

We also tend to be quick to judge others who may not share our goals, outlooks, fashion style, lifestyles, etc. It is - unfortunately - human nature to succumb to these judgements.

It may be human nature but it DOES NOT mean that we cannot overcome these tendencies with a little mental effort.

Without getting too deep into the psychological basis or the "WHY" we tend to do this (insecurity, jealousy, competition, fear, ignorance, upbringing, etc) it is key that we UNDERSTAND and BELIEVE that we can change it if we so desire and choose!

Because we can.

Today try to embark on a new mission - a mission to see EVERYONE we meet today as a Brother and a Sister - not someone in need of a judging. Endeavor today to stop the normal (for most - not all) pattern of competition inherent in every interaction.

Try not to see others from a "how does that compare to me" perspective today and going forward - but instead look at them from a "how much are they hurting" or "what can I learn from them" or "is there anything I can do to assist them in THEIR daily battles and struggles?"

Walk a mile in their shoes and put yourself in their place before we jump to conclusions about why they are a certain way - or why they act in a certain manner.

Become a solution for them - and you will be pleased by how quickly whatever you are focusing on becomes secondary in nature!

It is a step toward fulfillment and joy and it is well within our control to make it a REALITY - starting............. NOW!

We never know what a person deals with daily - so provide the benefit of the doubt to those who appear surly, angry, mean, or rude. They are not this way because they WANT to be (in most cases - lol) - and perhaps, just perhaps your influence in their life can help them get past it and move closer to their God-given right to JOY, PEACE and HAPPINESS.

You may never know if it worked - but you can be assured that the effort alone will take you closer to those three places above we all strive to reach!

Stay Strong!!!

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