Monday, October 5, 2009

Back to Basics

It is amazing how life can become so complicated so quickly - often in the blink of an eye!

That is why it is so important to prepare mentally for the overwhelming events life can throw at you.

It is critical to keep positive in both your mind as well as your heart.

Our minds are the control room of our emotions! Think about it - the old saying "ignorance is bliss" is not just a saying - It is a guiding principle in behavior and emotion!

I am not saying bury your head in the sand and ignore life's curveballs and you will be thrilled - but I am saying that there are people in this world who have nothing at all to be joyful about in their lives - I mean downright tragedy and misery - yet they walk around as if they do not have a care in the world!!

How do they do this?? How do people with psychiatric issues seem and actually are happy and joyous? Why can't we do this???

The Mind. Period!

We can control our happiness and emotion if we can train our minds to focus on the positive! Focus not on a current problem but on the solution.

Get back to the basics - recall what truly matters to you -not shoes, cars, clothes, jewelry, etc- not those material goods that will disappear as quickly as they come (as will their allure). I mean getting back to why it is we exist - to assist, and support, and love one another!!

Focus your mind of being there for others, on what is next after the storm, the joy that is sure to follow the pain you may have now -- because it always comes back to love!! Always!!!

And we know for a fact that the storm ALWAYS passes and provides us all an opportunity to be Stronger, Wiser, Kinder, more compassionate, caring, and loving!!

With every ounce of pain there are pounds of happiness and joy and peace that will follow -you just have to know it, Believe it - and see it through!!!!

You will get there - and back to the heart of who you are!!!

God Bless and Stay Strong!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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