Monday, August 29, 2016

Our Hope


Many people fear the future, but ultimately yours is glorious—beyond anything you can imagine!

Knowing that you are on your way to heaven is immensely important for your well-being.

This knowledge can help you every day, every moment of your life.

Though your residence in paradise is in the future, heavenly Light transcends time and shines upon you even in the present.

Because I paid the penalty for your sins, I am your Hope—and I will never let you down.

No matter what is happening in your life, it is still realistic to hope in Me.

If you persist in trusting Me no matter what, you will again praise Me for the help of My Presence.

Moreover, you can anticipate, via faith, the blessing that is ahead of you and start praising Me even in the dark.

As you keep looking to Me in hope, My heavenly Light shines more brightly in your heart.

This is the Light of the knowledge of My Glory!

From "Jesus Today" by Sarah Young

Stay Strong!

"For I know the plans I have for you,"declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
—Jeremiah 29: 11

"Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence."
—Psalm 42: 5 NASB

"It is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."
—2 Corinthians 4: 6 NKJV

Friday, August 26, 2016


"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
(Psalm 90:12, NIV)

A terrific reminder (one we should use 100 times per day) about just how blessed we all are and what truly amazing gifts we all have been given.

No matter your trial or challenge today, it doesn't take a lot to realize just how MORE challenging or troublesome our lives could be! 

Literally count your blessings even when you feel your world is crashing down on you because it can always be worse and it is NEVER as bad as you think it is!

Give Thanks every single day and your blessings will only multiply - and do this even more so when you don't feel blessed!! 

You will be amazed at the results!

Happy Weekend and Stay Strong!!

Every Day is a Gift

Sometimes our days can be so full and busy that we forget how fragile life really is.

It's easy to allow little things to creep in and steal our peace and joy.

Maybe something doesn't go our way or someone says something upsetting.

Even traffic can cause us to lose focus if we let it.

We have to remember that each day is a gift.

If we choose to focus on what's wrong, we'll miss the beauty that each day has to offer.

Today, don't let the precious moments of life pass you by.

Don't wait for holidays and birthdays to show people that you care.

Remember, each day is unique and irreplaceable.

You have been given time that can be invested or wasted; hours that can be used or misused.

That's why the psalmist prayed to God, "Teach us to number our days."

He was saying, "Teach us to value every moment we've been given."

As you daily keep a proper perspective, you'll gain a heart of wisdom.

You'll draw closer to God and experience the full blessing that He has for you each and every day!

A Prayer for Today
"Father, thank You for the gift of today. I choose to focus on the blessing of each moment instead of allowing the little things to steal my joy. Keep me close to You always as I submit every area of my heart and mind to You in Jesus' name. Amen."

From " Today's Word" by Joel O

Stay Strong!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

You Don't Handle Things Alone

I AM ABLE TO DO IMMEASURABLY MORE THAN all you ask or imagine.

So think big when you pray, but remember that I always think bigger!

I am continually at work in your life, even when you can see nothing happening.

It's easy for you to feel stuck in a situation you'd like to change because you can see only the present moment.

But I look at the big picture—all the moments of your life—and I am doing more than you can imagine.

Try to stay in communication with Me as you go through this day.

You can talk with Me about anything because I understand you perfectly.

The easiest way to keep in touch is to begin each day with Me—bringing Me your praises and requests.

Then, as you get into your activities, it's more natural to continue talking with Me.

The longer you wait to start communicating with Me, the more effort it will take.

So come to Me early, before you get too far into your day.

You may think you cannot spare the time for this, but remember that you don't handle things alone.

You work collaboratively with the One who can do far more than you ask or imagine.

- from " Jesus Today " by Sarah Young

Stay Strong!

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."
—Ephesians 3: 20

"The LORD reigns; he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed; he has put on strength as his belt. Yes, the world is established; it shall never be moved. Your throne is established from of old; you are from everlasting."
—Psalm 93: 1–2 ESV

"In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."
—Psalm 5: 3

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Let Not Your Heart be Troubled

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
JOHN 14: 1

The antidote to fear is FAITH.

When you toss and turn in the middle of the night, worried and fearful over something that's going on in your life or the life of someone you love, be comforted and calmed as you think on who God is.

Make a mental list of His attributes.

Alphabetize the list to help you focus on and remember who He is.

He is bigger than your fears because He's able, benevolent, compassionate, dependable, eternal, faithful, good, etc.

Jesus' statement "Do not let your heart be troubled" is not a suggestion.

It's a command that you and I are to obey.

Our obedience begins with a choice to stop being afraid, followed by a decision to start trusting God.

He's the God of gods who's made Himself visible and knowable and approachable through Jesus Christ.

Just trust Him!

Trust Him!


Monday, August 22, 2016

There But By The Grace of God Go I...

Happy Monday All!

This post below is a little longer than normal but I urge you to soldier through it as it is worth the time - especially if you find yourself in the midst of a storm or trial!

Stay Strong!  :)

Four Ways to Find and Keep Your Peace in Tumultuous Times

I recently heard a gorgeous new rendition of one of my favorite hymns, "It Is Well with My Soul."

As I was listening, I remembered a fascinating Library of Congress exhibit I came upon years ago about the song's author, Horatio G. Spafford.

In 1871, Spafford was a successful Chicago lawyer. He had it all: money, power, fame, and a beautiful family.

However, in October of that year, he lost most of his business to the Great Chicago Fire.

Two years later, he lost his four beautiful daughters in a shipwreck.

In the weeks after his daughters perished, Spafford wrote "It is Well with My Soul."

Learning the tragic story of how it came to be, I couldn't help but wonder how this 19th-century Job figure could find it within himself to pen the words of this hymn right after such tremendous losses?

"When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot,
Thou hast taught me to say, 'It is well, it is well with my soul.'"

What is this "peace" of which he speaks in the midst of such sorrow?

Everywhere we turn—television, radio, newsfeed—there is news of strife, tragedy, and devastation.

The more news we hear, the more it steals our peace.

So how can we keep our peace during these tumultuous times?

How can we find the strength to sing, "It is well with my soul," when it seems that things just aren't well at all?

1. Dwell on the good.

One of the easiest ways to dwell on the good is to just shut off the stream of bad news. Shut off the TV. Shut off the radio. Shut off the newsfeed. Monitor what you allow into your mind. Guard your peace. If you keep the channel on or keep checking that newsfeed, more likely than not, you will find yourself saddened, angry, and stressed. Instead, dwell on the good.

Wherever you find God in your day—in a pleasant exchange, the beauty of a flower, the glint of the sun, a beautiful seascape, or a child's laugh or smile—stop and acknowledge the beauty and the goodness around you, and take a moment to THANK God.

2. Have a "heart-to-heart" with Jesus.

St. Ignatius urged his followers to envision themselves sitting with Jesus and conversing just as one would with a friend.

So talk with him; go to Adoration, go to Mass, and pray during the day.

Wherever you are, take your concerns to Jesus.

All that bad news is not for you to shoulder.

He's got it.

Talk about what's going on in the world, the nation, your home, and your life, and how it makes you feel.

Let it all out and be honest!

Why not? He already knows what's in the depths of our hearts, right?

One of my frequent personal prayers these days, recalling Ignatius's advice about prayer as conversation, is:

"Really, God? Again? I thought we were done with this! I need your help. We need your help. God, please help us."

3. Embrace peace.

As you talk with Jesus, let go of fear and trust that he has it all covered.

When you do this, you make room for him to fill you with "the peace the world cannot give."

4. Spread peace.

Pope Francis reminds us that when we know Jesus, "Moved by his example, we want to enter fully into the fabric of society, sharing the lives of all, listening to their concerns, helping them materially and spiritually in their needs, rejoicing with those who rejoice, weeping with those who weep; arm in arm with others, we are committed to building a new world" (Evangelii Gaudium 269).

Centered in the love of Christ and the peace that he gives, each one of us has the power to change the world, one small action at a time.

Once we regain our peace, we are impelled, as stewards of his peace, to share it.

All it takes is one flame to break through the darkness.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. reminded us that, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that" (A Gift of Love: Sermons from Strength to Love and Other Preachings).

It is up to each one of us to share of that light and that love that inspired the anthem, "It Is Well with My Soul," so that, together, we may again find our peace.

--  The post "Four Ways to Find and Keep Your Peace in Tumultuous Times" appeared first on Ignatian Spirituality on
22 Aug 2016 03:30 AM PDT

Sunday, August 21, 2016

All Within Your Reach

"So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him."
(1 Samuel 17:50, NIV)

Recognize What You Have

So often we focus on what we don't have, how big our obstacles are, and how bad the economy is.

"I don't have the connections.

I've got this problem, but I don't have anybody to help me.

I've got this dream, but I don't have the resources."

No, here is the truth: everything you need to fulfill your destiny is within reach.

God will always use something that's close to you.

It may not look extraordinary, but you have what it takes to fulfill your destiny.

When David faced the giant, Goliath, all he had was a slingshot and five stones.

It looked ordinary.

He could have thought, "I'm not going to face Goliath. That would be foolish. I don't have a chance."

No, David knew that with God on his side, those ordinary stones would be exactly what he needed.

Sure enough, David defeated Goliath and made history.

Today, remember, victory isn't about what you have, it's about God's anointing on what you have.

With God on your side, all things are possible!

Focus on Him and what He can do in your life because He has extraordinary things in store for you.

A Prayer for Today
"Father, thank You for equipping me for success and victory in this life. Help me to clearly see the opportunities, connections and resources You have ordained for me. I trust that with You, all things are possible in Jesus' name. Amen.

From " Today's Word by Joel O

Happy Sunday - Stay Strong!  :)

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Got Gratitude?

"O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever!"
(1 Chronicles 16:34, AMPC)

Constant Gratitude

No matter what may be happening in the world around you, you can always find something to thank God for.

Gratitude is a powerful force that opens the door to God's blessing.

Having constant gratitude proves your faith in God because not only do you thank Him for what He has done in the past, you thank Him for what He will do in the future.

It's that kind of faith that pleases God.

Constant gratitude also shows humility because when we are thankful, we magnify God instead of magnifying our problems.

It gives us proper perspective and opens the door for God's grace, favor and supernatural empowerment.

So what are you grateful for today?

Are you grateful for the sun that shines and brings a new day?

Are you thankful for the gift of eternal life?

As you choose an attitude of constant gratitude, you'll experience His mercy and loving-kindness in greater ways.

You'll be filled with His peace and joy and pave the way to move forward into the abundant life He has prepared for you!

A Prayer for Today
"Father in heaven, thank You for another day to praise You. Thank You for all You have done in my life. Help me to see Your hand of blessing as I continually acknowledge and praise Your name in Jesus' name.

From " Today's Word " by Joel O

Stay Strong! Happy Weekend!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Limitless Strength


"Everything else, everyone else may fail you, but I never will.

You live in a world of brokenness, where promises and guarantees often come to naught.

However, My Love for you is not of this world: It is constant, perfect, and inexhaustible.

Nothing can separate you from this perpetual flow of Love, for I have redeemed you—purchased you with My blood.

You belong to Me.

The bottom line of your life is that I am continually with you, holding you by your right hand.

As you follow the pathway to My holy dwelling place, be aware that you do so in My strength.

I strengthen you so that you can persevere in your journey and also glorify Me along the way.

Some of My followers bring Me Glory while enjoying vibrant health and multiple successes.

Others glorify Me in weakness and ongoing struggles—suffering well in the midst of adversity.

Know that I am smiling on you whether your path is arduous or easy at this time.

Continue your journey in My strength—which is limitless.

I assure you that your ultimate destination is none other than heaven itself!"

From " Jesus Lives " by Sarah Young

Stay Strong! 

In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling.
EXODUS 15:13

Look down from heaven, your holy dwelling place, and bless your people . . . DEUTERONOMY 26:15

Nevertheless I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand. You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.
PSALM 73:23–24 NKJV

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

PC: Rob P..ty...

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

...For I Am With You

The LORD appeared to him and said, "I am the God of your father Abraham.
Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
I will bless you."
GENESIS 26: 24

I had a dear young friend who began experiencing dreadful panic attacks.

On the advice of friends, she began seeing a psychiatrist who walked her through a simple exercise of listing everything she was afraid of.

When she finished her list, her fears so dominated her thinking, she could no longer even function.

It can be helpful to pinpoint the source of worries and fears, but to dwell on them may put you into a downward spiral.

Next time you feel afraid, make up your own list — NOT of your fears but of the characteristics of God.

Find a Scripture verse or passage to substantiate each one of those characteristics as you reconsider your current storm or challenging situation in light of who God is.

Then claim God's promise:

"Do not be afraid, for I am with you."

The secret to peace lies in your focus!"

Stay Strong!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Sorry.. the Prayer Card on How to pray this Novena is now attached! :) [Stay Strong] 54 Day Novena to the Blessed Mother - starts today on her Assumption Feast - care to join me?

If you have a need, a petition, or a request, this Novena is the answer!

See attached for the story behind it's Power and Promise and the details on how to pray it!

I have also attached a link that shows How to Pray the Rosary for those who need a refresher!   (

Don't be intimidated by its length! You can do it!  Trust me!  It is life changing.

You will be shocked at how easy this is to do and what it will do to your life! :)

I am beginning it today - I hope you can join me!  :)

Stay Strong!

Thank you CC!

> > Posted By CIM to Stay Strong at 8/15/2016 08:40:00 AM

[Stay Strong] 54 Day Novena to the Blessed Mother - starts today on her Assumption Feast - care to join me?

If you have a need, a petition or a request, this Novena is the answer!
> See attached for the story behind it's Power and Promise and the details on how to pray it!
> I have also attached a link that shows How to Pray the Rosary for those who need a refresher!   (
> Don't be intimidated by its length! You can do it!  Trust me!  It is life changing.
> I am beginning today - I hope you can join me!  :)
> Stay Strong!
> Thank you CC!
> --
> Posted By CIM to Stay Strong at 8/15/2016 08:40:00 AM


"We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us..."
(Romans 12:6, NIV)

Gifts by Grace

God has given each of us gifts, and He's given us the grace, the supernatural power to operate in those gifts.

In other words, if God has called you to do something, He has equipped you by His grace.

Scripture says that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

That means when we are doing what we are called to do, when we are operating in our gift, there will be an "easiness" about it.

That doesn't mean there won't be any opposition.

It doesn't mean there won't be obstacles or that it won't take effort on your part.

But what it does mean is that you will have a supernatural empowerment to do it. It will just come naturally and flow out of you.

If you are doing something that always seems hard, always seems heavy and drains the energy out of you, you might want to spend some time in prayer before God and see if that's really what He has for you.

Just because it's a "good" thing doesn't mean it's a "God" thing.

But when it is God, you'll know it.

You'll feel His supernatural grace empowering you and refreshing you every step of the way.

A Prayer for Today
"Father God, thank You for empowering me to live by Your grace. Help me to discern what You have for me and let go of anything that isn't Your best for my life. I love You and honor You in all that I do in Jesus' name.

From " Today's Word by Joel O

Stay Strong!

54 Day Novena to the Blessed Mother - starts today on her Assumption Feast - care to join me?

If you have a need, a petition or a request, this Novena is the answer!

See attached for the story behind it's Power and Promise and the details on how to pray it!

I have also attached a link that shows How to Pray the Rosary for those who need a refresher!   (

Don't be intimidated by its length! You can do it!  Trust me!  It is life changing.

I am beginning today - I hope you can join me!  :)

Stay Strong!

Thank you CC!

Friday, August 12, 2016

The Promise - Never Worry

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."
(Philippians 4:6, NASB)

Anxious for Nothing

So many people today are living uptight, worried and anxious about the future, filled with frustration and concern.

In the natural there may be good reason, but understand, living that way is not God's best.

God doesn't want us to be filled with anxiety and frustration; He wants us to live in peace.

You can find rest in Him knowing that no matter what is happening around you, God Almighty has His hand on you.

The next time you're tempted to worry or be anxious about something, remember this verse.

God invites us to come to Him.

In fact, the Bible says He rewards those who diligently seek Him.

But notice, we can't just come to Him any old way.

He wants us to come to Him with a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving.

Begin by simply saying, "Father in heaven, thank You for the privilege to come before You. Thank You for hearing my prayers."

As you come to Him with an open and humble heart, He will hear you and fill you with His peace and joy to live free from anxiety all the days of your life!

A Prayer for Today
"Heavenly Father, today I choose to be anxious for nothing. I choose to set aside my worries and concerns. I thank You for Your faithfulness to meet every need in my life in Jesus' name.

From " Today's Word by Joel O

Have a Terrific Weekend, Stop Worrying, Trust and Stay Strong! :)

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Release and Trust

And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night?..."
(Luke 18:7, NIV)

Have you been crying out to the Lord for something?

Maybe there's a situation in your life that's been overwhelming, and you feel like you've done everything you know to do but can't see a way through.

Be encouraged today because we serve a God of justice!

He is faithful to His Word, and He will always be faithful to you.

Not only is He a God of justice, He is your vindicator.

One thing we have to remember is that our battle is not with the person who may have wronged us.

Scripture says that the enemy of our souls, the accuser of the brethren, is our ultimate enemy.

Know today that God already has a plan; He already knows the future, and He will bring about justice!

Before eternity is through, He will right the wrongs that have been done to you.

Your part is to release the situation into His capable hands.

You don't have to straighten everybody out or right the wrongs in your life; that's God's job.

Trust Him with your future because the God of justice is working things out on your behalf!

A Prayer for Today
"Father God, today I release every care, every concern, every situation that is beyond my control. I trust that You are working things out for my good, and You are bringing justice to me. Thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life in Jesus' name.

  - From " Today's Word by Joel O

Stay Strong and Stay Cool today. .:)

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Stand Strong and Persevere!

"You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised."
(Hebrews 10:36, NIV)

Persevere Until You See the Promise

What are you believing God for today?






God has promised all of these things to you in His Word because it's His desire for you to live in blessing and wholeness.

When you follow the will of God by obeying His Word and precepts, it opens the door for His promises to be fulfilled in your life.

You may be doing all of the right things today—don't give up!

Perseverance will carry you to the promise.

Perseverance means that you are focused, that you are believing what God says about your situation.

It's looking away from distractions and any negative, defeating thoughts.

Perseverance looks away from discouragement and looks to the Word of God.

Perseverance has a voice, and it says things like, "No weapon formed against me shall prosper!

If God is for me, who can be against me?

I am more than a conqueror through Jesus!"

Whatever you are believing for today, keep believing!

Stand strong and fight the good fight of faith.

Ask God to give you endurance, perseverance and patience so that you can see His promises fulfilled in every area of your life!

A Prayer for Today
"Father, thank You for Your good promises to me. I ask that You give me a heart that is steadfast and fixed on You. Fill me with Your peace and perseverance so I can live in victory all the days of my life in Jesus' name. Amen."

- From "Today's Word" by Joel O

Stay Strong!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Promised Way Out

"The point is that no matter what kind of suffering we have to endure, God always gives us a way out.

Not a way out of the suffering itself—but from the utter, black hopelessness that suffering can lead us into.

And that's what this prayer is—a way out of hopeless despair.

In a famous passage from his first letter to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul says that God "will not let you be tested beyond your strength. With your trial, he will also provide you with a means of escape, so that you will be able to endure it."

Spiritual writers often use that passage to illustrate that God will never allow us to be tempted to sin beyond the point that we can resist.

But it applies just as much to suffering.

God always gives us an "escape hatch."

No matter how great our inner turmoil, he always gives us an exit through which we can go to avoid being trapped.

When Christ prayed that he be spared the agony of the Crucifixion, God may have denied his request, but he promptly dispatched an angel to the Garden of Gethsemane to comfort him.

The angel stayed with the Lord and consoled him, strengthened his resolve, and essentially helped him to get through the deep emotional turmoil and dread he was experiencing.

That's the same model of assistance God employs with us.

Our appointed sufferings may or may not be prevented through prayer—depending on the situation and on God's will—but we, ourselves, can ALWAYS count on being helped, consoled, and fortified by God -  if we ask for help."

  - From "Experiencing God Day by Day " by Richard Blackaby

Stay Strong!


"Have faith in God," Jesus answered. "I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him."
MARK 11: 22 – 23

Do you think God's silence in your life means He's forgotten you?

Nothing could be further from the truth!

The Bible says God has engraved your name on the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49: 16).

You're in God's heart and on His mind every moment.

He's fully informed of your circumstances and will deliver you when He knows the time is right.

Just as He was faithful to preserve Joseph through thirteen years of slavery in Pharaoh's prison … just as He was faithful to preserve Daniel in the lion's den … just as He was faithful to preserve the baby Moses floating on the Nile —

God will be faithful to you!


Because God is faithful!

It's who He is!

So don't be afraid.

He cannot be less than Himself.

Have faith in God!

Stay Strong!

Monday, August 8, 2016

The Right Perspective

Happy Monday!!

"I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth."
(Psalm 34:1, NKJV)

Power in Perspective

It's easy to get focused on what's wrong in life, what we don't have, and how big our obstacles are.

If we're not careful, we'll lose sight of all the good things God has done.

We'll take for granted our family, friends, health and the opportunities God has blessed us with.

We'll get so busy and stressed out that we won't appreciate the gift of today. What's happened?

Our perspective has gotten off.

Perspective is all about how we see a situation.

There's power in your perspective because you will draw into your life what you constantly meditate on.

Business may be slow.

The economy may be down.

The wrong perspective is, "I'll never make it. It's just too much."

The right perspective is, "God is supplying all of my needs.

He said He would prosper me even in a desert."

Today, I encourage you to evaluate your perspective.

Choose to lift your eyes to God no matter what is happening in your circumstances.

Remember, as you set your perspective in the right direction, your life will follow.

When you keep an attitude of faith and expectancy, you open the door for His blessing in every area of your life!

A Prayer for Today
"Father, I choose to bless You at all times. I declare that You are faithful! I lift my eyes to You because You are the source of my help, strength and joy forevermore. Thank You for leading and guiding me for Your glory in Jesus' name.

From "Today's Word by Joel O

Stay Strong!

Friday, August 5, 2016

The Fix is In

"He Who sits in the heavens laughs..."
(Psalm 2:4, AMP)

Have you ever imagined God laughing in the heavens?

Think about that for a moment.

Right now, God is on the throne.

He's not mad.

He's not worried about the economy.

He's not upset with you and me.

God is full of joy and laughing on the throne.

It goes on to tell us in Psalm 37 that He's laughing because "He can see the destruction of the enemy coming."

In other words, the reason God laughs is because He knows the end of the story.

He knows the final outcome.

The good news is that you and I win!

God always causes us to triumph!

Imagine watching the Super Bowl when you already know the outcome.

You already know who is going to win.

No matter how far behind the winning team falls, no matter how bad it looks for them, you wouldn't get upset.

You wouldn't be worried.


You've got inside information.

You know the final outcome.

That's what God is saying to us today.

When it gets tough and things don't look like they're going to work out, we know that with God we are on the winning team!

Today, you can laugh with Him knowing that He has favor, strength and victory in store for your future!

A Prayer for Today
"Father, I choose to rest and trust in You. Thank You for bringing victory in every area of my life. Give me opportunities today to share Your joy and love with the people around me in Jesus' name. Amen."

From "Today's Word by Joel O

Have a Terrific Weekend - Stay Strong!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Strength in the Midst of a Storm

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."
(Isaiah 40:29, NIV)

He Gives Strength

Oftentimes, when we are facing a difficulty, it's easy to become weary in our minds and emotions.

Trying to figure it all out in our own strength can be exhausting.

But we weren't meant to try to figure everything out, we were meant to trust.

We were meant to call on Him and let Him be the hero of our story!

The Bible says in Isaiah that when you cry to God for help, as soon as He hears, He will answer you!

He will give you strength when you are weary and increase your power when you feel weak.

No matter what is going on in your life today, God is greater than any obstacle or difficulty you may be facing.

Do you need strength to overcome a challenge in your life?

Do you need power to stand strong in the midst of a storm?

Call on Him and He will hear you.

Open your heart, and by faith, receive His strength and might.

Let Him empower you to live in victory and overcome all the days of your life!

A Prayer for Today
"Father, thank You for hearing and answering my prayers. Fill me with Your strength and power today. I trust that You are working things out for my good as I surrender every area of my life to You in Jesus' name.

From "Today's Word by Joel O

PC Kristin O! :) Thank you!

Stay Strong!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Stay Open and Trust...the rest will follow

"I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives."
(John 12:24, NLT)

Trust Him with Your Dreams

It's good to be passionate about your dreams, but did you know a dream can actually become an idol?

If it's all you think about, and you're not going to be happy unless it happens your way, that's out of balance.

The fact is, sometimes you have to release that dream back to the Father.

Sometimes we can get frustrated because we are trying to force things to happen on our timetable.

Sometimes we hold on to things so tightly, but when we are finally willing to let them go, that's when God can bring them to pass.

If you'll choose to release that frustration and not let it become the center of your attention, but instead, thank God that He's directing your steps, that will open the door for God to give you the desires of your heart.

We have to remember, God already knows what we want and what we need.

He's the One who put those desires in us.

We shouldn't be consumed with trying to make things happen.

Instead, a greater act of faith is to be happy right where you are; to stay open and trust God because He has good plans in store for your future!

A Prayer for Today
"Father, today I release my dreams, my desires and my 'wants' like a seed falling to the ground. I know that You have a good plan for my future, and I trust You to bring it to pass in my life in Jesus' name.

From Today's Word by Joel O

Stay Strong!