Wednesday, July 30, 2014

[Stay Strong] The Storm within.....

"The wise man in the storm prays God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear.

It is the storm within which endangers him, not the storm without."

      - Ralph Waldo Emerson

> So much of what we experience in our lives really hinges upon how we react to external circumstances.
> Think about sports figures who are lauded for their "cool as a cucumber" performance under pressure.
> The basketball player on the free throw line with the championship literally on the line who sinks the shots "with ice in his veins".
> Or a hero police officer who reacts and saves innocent lives because he or she "let cooler heads prevail" and took the necessary steps.

> It is not the things that happen to us externally that shape the quality and results in our daily lives, but HOW we react to these outside circumstances that dictates how great or miserable our existence is going to be on this planet!

Fear can paralyze us and if we can conquer our fears via our FAITH that we are exactly where we are supposed to be at any given moment, we can handle ANYTHING that is thrown at us!!!!

Replace Fear with FAITH and great things happen to us!! 

With this action we can see the world and the plethora of opportunities much clearer and through grateful eyes!!

> Trust, Hope and Faith!!!! 

This triumvirate, if we can embrace and truly live in them, will deliver us all from any fear and undoubtedly set us on the path to Peace, Joy, and Happiness!!!

> How can it not?  

> And WE control it IF we believe it!!

> Stop worrying about the current or next storm - as it will inevitably arrive - but pray for deliverance from fear through your strong and ever growing Faith and all will be ok!!!

It always is!

Stay Strong!!

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