Friday, November 15, 2013

Let go....

"Life is a riddle.
We cannot expect to understand life's twists and turns as they occur each day,
and we greatly frustrate ourselves in the futile attempt.
Be content to appreciate that there is an overarching purpose,
though that purpose be known only to God, and to history.
Choose service.
Choose joy.
Accept the unknowing."
  - Anonymous

One thing we can count on besides death and taxes in this life is that we will all experience our share of twists and turns!

Every second of our day holds the promise of some type of situation, some change, some challenge or some opportunity!

That is the double edge beauty of life!!

Life is short and things can turn on a dime at any moment - for better or worse!

The secret to peace and joy is to let go of this illusion that WE fully control our own paths!

We constantly plan, scheme, lament, and map out and drive ourselves nuts trying to control and dictate the way our lives will unfold!

Planning is fine and a good idea. I recommend it and it certainly helps keep life in some order.

However,  if we believe for a second that our planning will allow us to control the circumstances and twists that life throws at us, we are going to go mad in our futile efforts!

Accept that storms are imminent,  that not every day or season will be sunshine and roses, and embrace the difficult challenges that arise to test us, to mold us, to make us into stronger and greater souls while here on earth!

We can be happy, peaceful and content despite any trials and bumps we hit on the road if we BELIEVE that there is a greater plan for all of US and BELIEVE that we are all on the exact path we are meant to be on!

What a relief it is to let go of the need to control every single aspect of our lives.  Not only is that prospect impossible, but it only serves to frustrate us and waste our fleeting time here in this life!

Relax and believe that all will be well because IT ALWAYS WILL!

Stay Strong, let go a bit, and enjoy the weekend!!

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