Tuesday, September 18, 2012


"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."
   - Frederick Koenig

When is the last time you sat down, took a pad and paper, and literally wrote down all of the many blessings we all have in our lives?

We all too easily reflect, ruminate, and torture ourselves over the life we don't have today instead of giving Thanks for the abundance of amazing gifts we have in our lives!!!!

Sometimes what it takes for us to truly realize just how lucky and blessed ALL of us are is to commit them all to paper!!!

Try it and you will be amazed at all of the things we take for granted every single day - and choose to beat ourselves up instead over the car, the house the job, the lifestyle, the life we see others having and we wish we had!! 

How silly is that??  And it is an impossible loop we put ourselves in that we will NEVER escape!!!

Escape is impossible as you will never get ahead - there are always going to be people with "more".

Get out the pen and paper right now and CHOOSE to focus on these amazing blessings we have at this very moment!!

Start your day giving thanks for these gifts and you will see an immediate change!!

Gratitude will alter your attitude!! (Feel free to use that..lol)

And Happiness is the inevitable byproduct!

Stay Strong!!!!

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