Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day!!!

"All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word:

Freedom, Justice, Honor, Duty, Mercy, Hope."
   - Winston Churchill

Freedom is one inalienable right that we in this still great but struggling country take for granted every day.

Pause today and give thanks to those brave and determined souls who brought this right to us, and died to gain it for a nation.

And say a prayer at some point today for those brave and courageous souls who today still put their very lives on the line for all of us to preserve that right as we barbeque and enjoy our loved ones under the very blanket of freedom that they provide to us.

Let us remember these special and selfless men and wowen - past and present - as the fireworks illuminate the sky and we celebrate that indefinable spirit of life, liberty and freedom today!!

God save and preserve our wonderful country!!!

Stay Strong - Stay Free!!!

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