Friday, July 6, 2012


"Every calamity is to be overcome by endurance."
     - Virgil

It is so true!!!  And oh so simple when you think of it.

We all have our own battles going on as we speak.

We all have a reason in our minds to stay in bed every morning and give up the good fight!!

That would be very easy to do and many people choose this route at times!

However, we all MUST fight off that feeling of being overwhelmed and despair and keep an eye on the big picture goal here.

If we can just remind ourselves daily that life here is so much more than our own little issues and challenges and that we have a purpose and a mission to fulfill, we would be able to rise off the mat and get back on our feet easily!!!

The only goal when life knocks you down or hits you with a haymaker is to gather yourself, get back on your feet and ENDURE!!!!


Like Sly Stallone in Rocky, the secret to success is to just put your head down and keep moving forward!!!! 

Take the punches with a smile and have FAITH that you will get through any and every battle!!

Do not not not give in to the easy temptation to just roll over and let the waves wash you away!!

You may not know it, but every one of us have many people pulling for us - people who need us in that good fight!!! 

We need you in that battle!!!

So meet the bell, shake off the feeling of defeat and get back into the fray with the rest of us!!!!

Endurance and Perseverance are within our control ...and ALL we need to succeed!!!!!!

So soldier on!!!  Success, peace and joy are imminent - they are right around the corner!!!

Stay Strong!!!

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