Monday, June 4, 2012

Crummy Day

Today is a crummy day!!

For a plethora of reasons, this rainy Monday morning is a real crummy day!!!

I am not going to sugarcoat it, I could list 20 things this very moment that would bolster my case and really cement the fact that I believe today is a really crummy day!

It is amazing how easily, when we are not focusing and let our guard down, that negative thoughts simply flock to us and cascade into our consciousness!!!

Like moths to a flame, once we allow a slight opening for a negative thought to take hold and influence our current mindset, we can almost immediately become deluged and overrun with hundreds of other negative thoughts ...

....and good luck getting out of that tailspin!!!

So yeah, today is a crummy day.

However, at this moment, 11:08 am, I am stopping the spigot of negativity!!!

I am closing the flow of negative supporting evidence to reinforce just how crummy today is, and saying NO MORE!!

The flow has been halted as of this very moment.  I will not accept any more into my mind right now!!

Now I am flushing out the ones that snuck in and through and have been bouncing around in my head all morning!!!

They hold no weight and no worth or power over my attitude or mind!!

Get out!! 

Clean them out and replace them with goals, positive thoughts, upcoming plans or events! 

Or Prayer, mantras, ...whatever works for you!!

If none of these exist right now, just focus on the hope that your life holds!!   

The hope that tomorrow holds for all of us IF we choose to act!!

Go find someone who needs words of encouragement or help or a smile or just a pat on the back and a reminder that we are never alone, even when we feel that way.

Every crummy days can be salvaged and as long as we have a "later" or a "tomorrow" to point to, because today's crummy is just a mirage and within our final "approval" limits!!!!

You are in charge!!!  Take over now!!

Try it works wonders!!!

Stay Strong!!

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