Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Transform Fear....Now!!

"Can you imagine a life with no fear? What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats?"
  ―Max Lucado

Fear is such a huge aspect of all of our lives that it is really tough to imagine a day without some sort of fear surfacing.

It is a shame because normally the things we fear most never even transpire, yet the time spent worrying about something is so large and disproportionate.

Therefore, today's quote about replacing fear with FAITH is so fascinating and exciting to me!

If we can succeed in creating a habit of identifying fearful thoughts and in turn replace them with faith, imagine how much more peace we would have in our lives!

We can do it!!  Resolve to do it today!! 

Key on every thought you can identify that has fear as they appear and and ask yourself what is the worst thing that can happen if that thing did occur.  Chances are no matter what that conclusion is it is not as bad as the fear that accompanies it.

Stop that fear by believing and understanding that we are here to struggle, be challenged, and to battle through tough times, and have FAITH that whatever it is will always pass and you will come out on the other end of it Stronger!!

Stay Strong!!

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