Sunday, September 25, 2011

Friend in need of prayers!!!

I just got this note from my good friend Michael in Boston.  Please dedicate some time to pray for Jim and his family today and going forward. Miracles happen!!

"Just a few weeks ago one of my close friends came over for a visit with his 9 year old daughter.

Jim and I share Patriots season tickets and run a road race together on Thanksgiving.

While he was visiting we chatted about the usual things; sports, the market and most important family.

His daughter Julia is a freshman in High School. She is an excellent student. He said that he would love to see her go to University of Notre Dame.

His youngest daughter Rachel is a fine hockey player. She often has practice at 5:30 a.m. and he says he loves taking her to the rink. His wife

He has a wonderful wife and mother who is a kindergarten teacher. Jim is a high school guidance counselor for the High School.

They both chose education to try to make a difference and ultimately help students towards a bright future.

Just this past week Jim wasn't feeling well. He had lost weight and had stomach pain. He went to the doctor and his liver enzymes were elevated.

He had a scan and it revealed that he has pancreatic cancer. It has spread to his liver.

I am sending you this note because you all have wonderful families and I truly value your friendship.

Please keep Jim's family as well as your own in your prayers."

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