Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Person of the Week

In everyone's life - if you are blessed - there is at least one person who enhances the quality of your life simply by existing!

This person is a constant inspiration, uplifter, source of strength, consistency, and joy!

Our family is blessed to have SEVERAL of these people in our lives and we thank God every day that they are part of our family!

Today we are highlighting just such an individual!

This person is ALWAYS there for anyone in need, always smiling and positive, always a sheer pleasure to be around! People seek him out whenever they need a voice of reason, a source of STRENGTH, a show of support! He is there for all of us when we need him - for ANY reason, unquestioning, relentless in his dedication to his family, friends, and even strangers!!!

He is a model of the type of human being we all should aspire to be - and he is a whole lot of FUN to boot (which is a rare combo!)

I could go on and on about the character and kindness of this individual, but it would take volumes and millions of megabytes!

We are blessed to call him family and friend - and our children are extremely blessed to have him there as a role model in being a quality, outstanding person!

This week's Person of the Week goes to.............

Robert O'Toole!!

Thanks, Robert - for all you do! We cannot thank you enough!

Stay Strong!

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