Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Give it up!

How many of us struggle daily with the seemingly overwhelming burdens we place on ourselves in the form of worry, anxiety and Fear?

How many of us continually pile problem atop issue atop worry atop fear and carry this gigantic weight of problems around on our shoulders every single day??

How do we handle these issues?

Usually we do 1 of 2 things:

1. We ignore them and hope they go away. We simply stick our heads in the sand like the proverbial ostrich and hope when we peek back out at reality that the problems will have simply disappeared.

Or we:

2. Allow the enormous weight of our issues to force us into attacking them one by one - using our own frame of reference of reality as a guide.

We should know from past experience that neither one of these actions or inactions deliver the results we seek - which is Peace and Joy!

So - what can we do to reach that goal??

It is simple - Just Give it Up!!

Give up your problems, fears, worries, and anxieties to the Holy Spirit!!

You may ask as I certainly did - "What does that mean exactly??"

It means that all of our efforts to gain peace and remove fear fail when we try to do it ourselves! We cannot do it alone!!

Why do we think that after so many tries to remove this Fear on our own, with our own perspective and limited knowledge, that simply doing the same thing repeatedly will yield different results?

Afterall - that is the definition of "insanity" - is it not?

Try this tonight -- either lying in bed prior to falling asleep or find a quiet spot without any interruptions. Summon to your mind ALL of your current worries, fears, concerns, troubles, problems, etc. Be specific - really feel the fear and worry that these thoughts bring to your awareness.

Then simply "Give Them Up" to the Holy Spirit!

That is right - Ask the Holy Spirit to assume these issues for you!

Turn them all over to Him and allow Him to take care of them for you!!

Literally say to Him "Holy Spirit, Please take these fears and worries from me and deliver me Peace - I trust in your guidance"

Say it numerous times if you must although only one invitation to Him is necessary!

I guarantee that after sincerely turning over all of your worries and fears to Him, you will have the most peaceful sleep you ever have experienced and wake in a state of peace!

Just Give it Up! He is waiting for your invite! It will not happen unless you open it up to Him!

I would love to hear of your results on the comments section...!!

Try it tonight - It works and what do you have to lose trying it?

God Bless!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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