Tuesday, July 12, 2016

In Times of Crisis

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you."
ISAIAH 26: 3

The reason a crisis is a crisis is because it usually catches us by surprise.

To be prepared for the unexpected, we need to spend time every day in prayer.

That lifetime habit of daily prayer helps us deal with a crisis when it hits because we've spent time in our Father's presence.

When you neglect prayer, you deprive yourself of the spiritual strength you need to endure and overcome it.

It's totally possible to handle a crisis with confidence when you've spent time with your heavenly Father in prayer.

If you want the kind of peace that the Bible says passes all understanding, especially when you're confronting a crisis or come under enormous pressure, listen to me: you need the spiritual strength and refreshment that only comes from spending time in prayer.


Trust Him.

And experience His perfect peace."

From "Experiencing God Day by Day " by Richard Blackaby

Stay Strong!

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